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The Reeverian Association of Essencological Counselors

Rescue   Restore   Revive


"Ministering To The World One Person At A Time"

The Reeverian Association for Essencological Counselors (R.A.E.C.) is unique in that it is the first organization of its kind that has developed a system of pastoral/biblical counseling that truly incorporates the existence of the spirit of man as a viable contributor in the behavior of man as a created sentient being of God.  R.A.E.C. also considers man to be a trichotomic being that is an integrated whole and that man and his behavior patterns and dysfunctional states can be attributed to Physiological, Psychological and Pneumatological factors. Essencology is more than counseling it is a ministry that seeks to repair the spirituality of the believer.

Our Beliefs

There R.A.E.C. is the governing body that was established by Dr. D. A. Reeves to monitor and oversee the affairs of Essencology and to establish the protocols and operations of all Essencologists and students of Essencology.


We believe that man is a created being created by God with a definition purpose and not a random act of evolution.  We further believe that Genesis 2:7 is factual and that the Holy Bible sets forth the principles of the nature of man and their obligations to their Creator who is God.


RAEC also confirms that man is a living soul and not merely the operations of the physical brain and the functions of the components of chemicals and energy pulses.  Man is a living trichotomic being composed of body, soul and spirit and the visual activity viewed by science is not merely a physiological process but a nepheshiol-somatic process involving the human soul (Mind/Person) operating through the physiological tools, namely the brain and the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System.

R.A.E.C.  Board


Benjamin Warren

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Bishop Dr. Derrick A. Reeves

Bishop Dr. A. Reeves

Founder, President and Chief Researcher of Essencological Principles. Head Professor of Essencological Studies at R.I.S.E. Department and Founder and President of R.M.E.G. Institute of Higher Learning and president of R.R.G. and R.R.G.I.


Nelson Sutton

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P.O. Box 628

Pickerington, Ohio 43147

Opening Hours:

By Appointment Only

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