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The church, the mightiest force in the earth is the product, not of men and their organization skills, but of the Lord Jesus Christ. The church is filled with the power of heaven and the wisdom of God. Because she (the church) is forged by the divine, she in herself contains the essence of divinity in her and is a product of this divine being called God. The prime objective of the church is to gather themselves together in corporate worship to Christ.
The subject of death is a subject in which legends were made. Death is a great mystery. It is a mystery wherein every living being must come to grips with. Many in the world today fear death. Because death is misunderstood, the majority of mankind flees it, but what is death truly? In understanding the death of Jesus Christ and what He accomplished through His resurrection is what can give hope to all mankind.
Many of us who are born again do not truly understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. When we think of His death and resurrection many times, it is only with regards to a happy Easter holiday, but the story of His passion is much more. His story is one of perfect love and unselfish sacrifice. When we see in His word about His love for us, we can truly know with confidence that we are loved. There is no example of a greater love in existence, He took our place and paid our penalty for sin.
It is very important to understand that Essencology was developed as a tool to promote Biblical instruction and counseling to repair dysfunctional behaviors, mindsets, perspectives and paradigms. In Essencology, the goal is realignment to Biblical standards of behavior. Because Essencology consists of explorations and examinations of man as a Trichotomy, its goal is Biblical normalcy. Its projections, theorems, and prescribed solutions are all based upon Biblical truths and concepts.
To the Scientist, man is an evolutionary phenomenon connected to the apes and therefore is at best seeking to survive from one evolution to the next. To the Psychologist, man is a living hard drive composed of sophisticated circuitry and chemical/electrical impulses. To the Essencologist, man is the trichotomic creation of God created in the image and likeness of Him. Introduction to Essencology is the study of the essence of man from a creationist point.
In this text Dr. Reeves explores the topic of Essencology, a biblically based Christian counseling system that focuses on the trichotomic nature of man with body, soul and spirit. This tool can be used to explore the phenomenon and events that may contribute to human behavior.
Many counselors, psychologists and psychoanalysts endeavor to assist their clients and patients through the practice and application of the scientific theories of Jung, Skinner, Maslow and French, but the practice of psychology endeavors to understand the personality and behavior patterns of man by studying the human psyche. Man is a trichotomy (body, soul and spirit) and he must be examined as such to successfully counsel him or aid him in healthy emotional and mental development.
Our God is an awesome God. He is omnipotent and full of glory. To be omnipotent is to have all power. How does God access the power He has? Why is His power inexhaustible? God is like no other being in existence. He is the initiator of every form of reality, and the source of His power is His greatest power of all. This power cannot be measured because it is unending. This book is written that God’s children might understand His sovereignty just a little bit more.
The church of the Living God has yet to enter into the fullness of His mighty power. In fact, she knows very little about the power of her awesome God who is to be praised forever. The power of God is unlike any other power in existence, and yet there is a power that He possesses that enables Him to be as He is. This power I refer to as the First Power. This power is connected to His life and, in fact, produces every other power.
The entire cosmos seeks a balance and distribution of power. There is no existence that does not have an ideal of what they consider to be power. Power is sought after by every creature in existence even in the animal kingdom, power is the prize of many struggles of confrontation. Every form of power converges and reaches a paramount in Jesus. It is essential that the church again grasp the things of God and recapture the heritage that has been hers from the conception of time.
The Anointing and The Mantle of Power. What are these mysterious holy possessions that are esteemed highly among those who are called by the name of the Lord? These two terms are known by everyone in Christendom who have been filled with the very spirit of God. When one thinks of the terms, anointing and mantle there are many things that come to mind. There are many terms and definitions that are used to explain these subjects, and yet it appears that the church still does not comprehend them.
The church has been given a Divine Quest to take the inhabitants of this earth by the gospel message. There are areas of faith, prayer and supernatural power I believe that the church has not tapped into. Satan desires the church to remain just as she is powerless, sickly and defeated. Many must understand the church has been given a divine mission with a command from God, however, there are reasons for failure that can only be overcome by walking in the covenant of the Lord.
The church must in this last hour build her strength and realize herself for the greatest move of God to come. This she can only do when she has established the correct mentality. Many in the church have not developed the appropriate attitude to defeat the enemy. This small work will hopefully give some insight in overcoming the wrong attitude and developing an attitude conducive to a spiritual life in Christ.
If the Bible states, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Cor 5:17)”, why then does it seem that temptation to do things that are diametrically opposed to God’s will continue to come? The scriptures reveal there is a dynamic to how temptation works and what transpires when one entertains it.
The family, which has for a long time withstood many attacks and subtle manipulations against it, is now facing a new dilemma and attack. Families appear to be transforming into a by-product of the age and the ungodly philosophies that are now being used to bombard the minds and hearts of an unsuspecting society. The Christian populace has, for many years, ignored the many forces and influences that can and do affect the family.
We have seen in the Word of God in the Book of Acts, the events of the first New Testament expression of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. In this phenomenal outpouring, there was speaking in tongues and there were the cloven tongues of fire. There have been many conjectures as to why these tongues have not been manifested in today's religious world at large. Could it be that the general church populace has not come up to the standard in holiness and righteousness?
The Word of God reveals to us that there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism (Ephesian 4:5). This small work is written to explain this one faith and is based on Acts 2:38-42, a sermon text. Did the Apostolic beginnings of the church mean any thing at all? Is the church of today really standing on the solid rock? Many of the scholars in the world of Christiandom have greatly misunderstood the Apostolic faith because many of her heralds did not properly convey the Apostolic tenets.
When one considers all of the terms for the word doctrine, it reflects teaching that is done in order to influence one's understanding while shaping the will with the knowledge being taught. The book of 2 Timothy 3:16 reveals the importance of the Word of God in that it is divinely inspired and profitable for doctrine. This text will explore the doctrinal tenets that were given to the Apostles and commanded to be taught to his disciples.
This booklet is the second in a series that will explore the doctrine that the Apostles taught according to their experiences with Jesus our Lord. Many in the church world seek to avoid the subject of doctrine altogether. Doctrine at many times will cause divisions, especially because most people will not reason together in prayer and continue to seek the face of the Lord until doctrinal issues are settled, according to scriptural exegetical exposition.
In today’s time many people look at the church and do not see a difference between those who are in what the Bible describes as “the world”, and those who profess to be in the church, which is considered to be the Body of Christ. God has set a standard for His bride, and this standard is that of holiness.
In the world today there are many choices and many concepts about everything. With these different concepts a wide array of philosophical attitudes also exists. In philosophy many things are devoid of specifics and often lack tangent (solid) ideas.The identity of Christ is a very important factor in Biblical prophecy as well as salvation and doctrine. If the identity of Christ is misunderstood then false teaching will arise.
The person of Christ and the part He plays in your redemption is continually being questioned as well as His divinity. We are certainly living in a time where men will not endure sound doctrine. In this small volume, which is the follow up to the book entitled “Oneness of the Godhead a Systematic Study”, the Godhead will be further investigated. May every Christian believer commit himself, mind, body, soul, strength and all of his resources to the upholding of the Word of God.
It has been perhaps thousands of years since the tongues of fire first appeared in the upper room. That event was the most epic event in the history of creation, for it was the proclamation and birth cries of the new creation children. The church of the Living God was born functioning as their Heavenly Father does, using speech and releasing the praise of power of God. We must wonder why the church has not understood the importance of tongues, nor the how and why of tongues.
In today’s society, we have misunderstood the definition of a minister. A minister is a very blessed position, yet it is also a very demanding position. With dissolving morals and decaying values, the minister must use the Word of God to excel above and beyond the pressures of the day. If the church of Christ is to take her place as the leading force in society, we must arise with a power and purity in our hearts. The minister must be renewed with the resurrection power of Jesus.
Preachers are a dime a dozen, but skillful laborers that are God sent and prepared are beautiful in the Lord's sight (Romans 10:15). The purpose of this book is to bring out some very important elements of the ministry to the would be minister and those who are already functioning in this capacity.
We are literally living in a land today where continuity, unity and proper structured order is often a thing that is despised. Many people do not like the idea of being responsible, accountable or subordinate to others. The social paradigm of this country has produced an age of individuals who will stand with you if they have autonomy to do their own thing. This should not be for the Minister if they desire to receive an anointing that will impact their destiny and life.
Many in the Church do not fully understand the laws that govern life. Many are not cognizant of the great achievements that were made by Christ for the Church. Because many are not knowledgeable of what true life is, they are also unaware of the great potential and power that is enclosed in the life force locked with the Holy Spirit. This life force is an undefeatable force that can disrupt the flow of death and hell. It is the life of God and it is undefinable in human terms.
One of the most powerful forces in existence that influences the mindset, behavior and choices of an individual, is how they view their surroundings. The view that one possesses is called their perspective. Perspective could be called one’s point of view or one’s position of view. Positional law refers to either praying or operating from an elevated place in the Kingdom of Heaven or it refers to the role one is functioning in while in relationship with God.
The Voice of God will reveal the power of God and His kindness and gentleness to His creation. Perhaps in reading this material the reader might receive more understanding of the God of the universe and understand that His love is the greatest force in existence. This love is so great that God dares not to even utter a whisper well knowing that the power released in His voice could utterly obliterate everything in existence. However, the Bible indicates that God does speak.
The world has long understood a need and the benefits of meditation. It is to our shame that we of the household of faith have not learned the art which has been given from heaven; the art of filling the soul with the commands of the Spirit and pondering of these commands until the entire essence and being radiates with the power of the Spirit of God. This is the results of meditation. May God grant us this knowledge before it is too late.
This prayer manual is the second in a ten book series developed for the End Time Apostolic Bible Institute School of Prayer Technology. The objective of this material is to expound on the Biblical definitions of the words for prayer and to give the students a sound understanding of what prayer actually consists of.
Many people may ask the question, “What is prayer?,” and not get a very clear response or answer from those whom they ask because prayer is a very complex subject and can literally be so many things that it is hard to really say that it is one thing. Prayer is many things to the child of God especially. It can mean the difference between a life of blessings or a life of curses depending on how one engages in it.
We are told to pray with all prayers and supplication (Ephesians 6:18). What does this scripture mean? Why are people praying, yet their prayers are not getting answered? The church of today has lost its respect for the important force called prayer. Prayer is treated much like making a soup in today’s church. The saints throw everything into a pot, begin to stir it all up, and then throw it to the Lord with no effect or results. It is time to master and further develop the art of prayer.
Prayer is the vital link to our Lord and Savior. Without our blessed right to pray, there would be no mode of relationship with God. As beautiful as prayer is and as wonderful as our relating with God our Father is, entering into prayer by way of worship and praise brings an exciting and wonderful experience. Praise and worship plunges the believer into a pool of love and adoration.
All things contain within the laws and principles by which they are governed. When one misuses the law of gravity, the law becomes violent and can bring much hurt. If one violates the law of dealing with electricity and its principles, devastating results or even death can occur. Many people suffer needlessly because of their lack of knowledge concerning the laws of prayer. Just as the violation of natural laws can cause problems, the violation of spiritual laws can cause more complications.
The word of the Lord is our source material for everything that is needed to learn about angelology, divinical studies or any other subject that is spiritually related. When the term angel is utilized it can express several concepts and many other terms such as: Angele (Old French), Angelus (Late Latin), Angelos (Greek), Malak (Babylonish) and Malakh (Hebrew). The heavens are filled with many beings and there are untold mysteries in heaven.
This book is based upon a sermon entitled “War Among The Stars” and the subject is gleaned from the book of Revelation (12:7-17). It depicts the construction of the beings of the order known as angels. This book is for those who can, with their heart, embrace the exegetic word of God. To you, the believer, I present this material that you might know how God has provided ministers to you who believe and have dedicated themselves to the will and purpose of Christ.
One of the most intriguing researched and mysterious portions of scripture is the topic concerning the origin of demons. There are many theories, legends and teachings by various prophets, apostles, scholars and many who profess to be authorities on the subject. The truth of the matter is the Bible is our major source of proof that demons exist and the origin of demons is not very clear in scripture to the casual eye.
There are billions of people on the planet earth, perhaps millions are born again believers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and however, one might ask the question “why is the church so ineffective in leading those nations of the world?” This question would be a very valid question to ask considering the world’s condition. Could it be that the church has misunderstood the importance of leadership and therefore, not produced end time leaders for an end time harvest?
What is the fulfilled vision? What does this vision become and what does it mean for the people who seek it? After everything is said and done, vision that is fulfilled must be understood. Vision is designed to keep the church stable and focused. The vision that is given will contain: The oracle of God and Prophecy or divine communication.
The church, literally, has not risen to the full gambit of knowledge that God has poured into the wells of the church, thus we of this century in the church have not truly understood Biblical: Morality, Theology, Authority, Power, Spiritual Operation and Faith. It must be understood that every church that truly recognizes Jesus as Lord and Savior has, within its spiritual atmosphere, a metaphoric object of power that I call the “Staff of Power”.
The term God has become a generic term in society today with many connotations attached to it. Many are not aware of the true meaning and character of God. An exhaustive exegetical exposition was conducted to analyze and systematically set forth the term God and to also reveal the philosophies that developed the Theology of Judaeo Christian God and the manner in which He is seen by those who worship Him.
When we consider the information that is revealed in scripture concerning our God, we begin to understand how awesome He is and how truly ignorant mankind is concerning this awesomeness. There is none who can truly fathom the great mysteries of the Holiness and Majesty of our Lord. What does the “Shekinah Cloud” symbolize? There is great significance in the appearing of the Shekinah Glory. This could also have great significance to the Church of the Lord.
In a world where high technology is the norm, why have most educational systems failed? Why do our students of higher learning reach a minimal plateau of their potential intelligence? Intelligence is directly linked to knowledge. All natural knowledge is received through the senses of the body. Because this is so, all intelligence is heightened or diminished according to one’s exposure of specific types of knowledge. Limited exposure will be reflected in limited knowledge.
Man, who was given authority and power, has since his creation, fallen from his purpose and position. It took the Lord from glory to come to reconcile him and yet the man is still in need of deliverance. His strengths are many as well as his fears and yet those who are patient with him are few. He may well be the most misunderstood being on the face of the earth. This text will explore the many facets of the character of man.
Many scholars have taught, researched and published quite a bit of material on the subject of grace. In spite of all the published material, there appears to be much confusion concerning the meaning of grace. TTo enter into greater grace is to experience the riches of the glory, power and Spirit of God. When one has entered into a greater realm of grace, they ultimately become a mini tabernacle that houses the unrestrained power of God in their very essence.
Many in the church today seek for one miraculous blessing after another; not truly understanding every blessings they can receive has been given in Christ. The problem is not lack of benefits or blessings but the lack of understanding that the benefits are already at their disposal by faith. Frustrating the grace of God is to refuse to let God’s benefits carry out their purpose. If God sends a blessing to strengthen and keep us and we do not use what God has provided we have frustrated grace.
There is much about faith that is known by man but there is much more that is not known. Because the church, which God has made the possessors and custodians of faith, have yet to take faith into action at the next level, faith has not been fully developed in the earth or in the church. This book will outline why those who are believers seem to struggle to function in something that is part of their nature.