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Life Principles Pneumatic Life Coach Program

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Our thoughts are the patterns of behavior that we adopt and pursue. To change behavior one must change the value system and mode by which they think from their deepest level of consciousness.

Module 1

Module 1 is the introductory level for Pneumatic Life Coaching.  It will introduce the student to the meaning of Pneumatic Life Coaching, the benefits of such counseling and will introduce the student to the Trichotomic Nature of Man and those principles that govern proper and improper thinking.  After completing this module the student will come to understand the dynamics of self defeat, unhealthy self esteem etc. After mastering these principles the student may be able to offer casual support and encouragement to those who are failing in life.  Remember any type of counseling or coaching is serious and those who seek to do so should be well trained and informed.


1.  Personal Development & Basic Nepheshian Instincts (PLC-100) - This course will investigate the basic instincts of man as it relates to those instincts of the soul that involve relationships, belonging and self worth. There will also be a focus on why individuals lose respect for themselves and struggle in life finding success.


2.  Perspectivism & The Need To Renew The Mind (PLC-101) - This course will introduce the student to the dynamics of mental rigidity and why mind sets are the most difficult problems for individuals to change.  The concepts of "Epigenetics" and "Change Through Neuroplasticity" will be discussed and the need for a renewing of the mind before there can be a change in perspective thinking.


3.  Casting Down Destructive Mental Images (PLC-102) - This course will explore the power of images created through the imagination within the mind.  The student will come to understand the need to disrupt and disengage themselves from the thoughts that hinder self development, progressive thinking and cause stagnation within the soul. The Blueprint Concept will be discussed and why individuals can only achieve what they see and think consistently.

4.  Reconstruction, The Mode Of Reshaping The Personal Mind (PLC-103) - This course will examine the process of reconstruction the mind pneumatically and why the spiritual mind is the most efficient mind of all. This course will also focus on the processes of mental reconstruction and the realigning of the perspective from an unhealthy mode to a healthy mode. The student will be responsible for undergoing a nepheshian mind reconstruction and also learn how to construct a personal mental strategy and to develop personal goals.  In so doing the student will also come to understand how to aid others in developing a mental reconstructive strategy.

Module 2

Module 2 will focus on the dynamics of carnal thinking and the antithesis of thinking that causes one to be in opposition to the Word of God and those principles of covenant life. This module will reflect on those principles that will enable the individual to understand the principles of correct thought, understanding why most individuals think in a negative manner and how to retrain the brain and the mind to consistently think correctly.  As a Pneumatic Life Coach one must know how people think and also get them to change their manner of thinking while developing a greater level of faith in a consistent manner.


1. Nepheshian Disassociation With Pneumatic Thinking (PLC-200) - This course will explore the nature of the living soul and consider why man as a species finds it easier to think negatively and conform to those aspects of life that are negative in stead of those positive considerations.  It will also expose the natural tendency to separate and exist those spiritual principles of the Word of God and believe the sensory input and programming of the material reality.



2. Adapting A Healthy Vision And Inspiring It In Others (PLC-201) - This course will explore how visions can become obscured because of hardships in life and what must be done to recalibrate those vision to insure that the individual can maintain a healthy perspective on life and the process of living a powerful covenant life>

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