Life is a very delicate and complex event. For most life yields so many difficulties and pain that we literally learn how to lose before we ever have a taste of what life is. Because of the complexities and ever changing processes there is so much to do to simply stay in the game of life. Technology, laws, and public and social systems are also rapidly changing and for many it is hard to adjust. Stress is one of the most prolific obstacles that people of all ages face on a consistent level.
Many are caught in a down spiral of financial challenges, relationship challenges as well as identity crises. If that were not enough individuals deal with their inner struggles of spirituality, meaning and of course sexual identity and gender identity. These constant issues bombard our minds to the point that most individuals simply try to medicate or anesthetize themselves to avoid dealing with the issues.
The pressures of life can overwhelm us if we are not careful. There must be a contingency plan wherein priorities are developed in a realistic manner. The first priority is self preservation. There must be a recognition that some things are simply out of our control. When we come to realize that we cannot change them we must also accept this. The problems of life will not vanish and medicating ourselves only prolongs the inevitable.
The fact of the matter is there are, in many cases many small problems that are besetting us at one time. The old adage divide and conquer is a very wise strategy. If possible choose which problems are the least damaging and try to eliminate them as quick as possible. Eliminating smaller issues will free you and your mind up to be able to take on those more intense situations. Organize the problems in groupings that will enable you to work on them from a much more strategic methodology. This is the importance of slowing down and looking at one problem or maybe two smaller issues at a time. Manage your stress and you control your process. There is no problem that exists that does not have a solution if given the time and careful consideration.
Always remember that you are greater than the problem that comes to you and your situations do not determine your worth or capability to succeed and grow. All problems are merely temporary setbacks and will provide you with the opportunity to rework your strategy while reassessing your current situation. Set realistic goals and a time frame for these goals and always review.
Being successful is really about managing your stress and your perspective. setbacks are not signs of failure they are just small roadblocks that can be maneuvered around and eventually changed. Envision where you desire to go and chart your course one day at a time. You will eventually discover that the sun has never stopped shining and you had the strength all along to navigate through even the worst storms.
DR. D. A. Reeves