R.R.G.I. Pastoral Institute
The Pastoral Institute of RRGI was developed to train ministers who are moving into the pastorate in the 21st Century. The goal is to prepare minister, assistant pastors and pastors who will face the dilemmas of our time. Paul revealed that there will be perilous times in the last days and these days are now upon us. The men and women of God must be those disciples that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 28:18-19. There is little time to prepare and no time to devote exclusively to study alone. It is now a time to be trained, to fight, to learn and to pray. The spirit of this age has now maneuvered itself into this world in such a way that ministers must be as Nehemiah was. Working on the wall with swords strapped to their waist and prepared for all that may come (Nehemiah 1:1-2:20)
The RRGI Pastoral Institute has been developed to produce leaders who can operate in these times of adversity and uncertainty. Leaders of today must understand that they may not be rewarded in this life and with great persecution they may expend their time and energy to a people who do not know how to be faithful and yet the call is upon us.