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Fighting Philosophical Strategies


(Comprehend, Holistic, Relational Imaginative Sight Time)


1.  Comprehension -Come to understand motion, force, direction and how energy works in any endeavor.


2. Holistic-characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


3.  Relational - Determine how motion, energy, objective and force relate to one another and your desired achievement.


4.  Imaginative - Seeing the strategy before it is excited by mental imagery.  Putting the plan into action mentally wherein it becomes the leading perspective and actions that flow through reactive reflexes.


5.  Sensory - Use of the sensitivity of your refined senses.  Senses are the vehicle that reveals information.  If you have honed your senses they give you a perspective of the battle at hand and the battlefield.


6.  Timing - Moving at the correct time can be to your advantage to ending the battle within a time limit.  The more time you spend the more energy you expend.  Timing is about the path of least resistance, the most direct path and economy of motion.






(Wind, Order,Restructure,Deconstruct)


1.  Wind Walking - Motion that avoids and yet manipulates the distance between you and your opponent.  It is bridging the gap and closing the distance to establish a bridge of attack.



2.  Order - You must control the motion to cause it to align to your desired order if possible.  If it is not possible escape until you can.



3. Restructure - What is launched against you must be used in your favor.  Use the opponents force against him.



4. Deconstruction - You must deconstruct the scenario, the strategy and the force that is thrown against you for the purpose of establishing your own construct which is your physical manifestation of your intentions.


The Wu Ree Institute of Kung fu

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