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Welcome to your online Wu Ree  resource center.  These resources were developed for our Wu Ree Students and your support enables the Wu Ree Institute to continue developing even better products for your enjoyment and martial arts education.

Wu Ree Martial Arts Books - We have various books that will aid you our student in understanding the Wu Ree system and  philosophy.  Some of these text are recommended while others are mandatory for your martial arts training.

Wu Ree DVD Training Resources - We are in the process of capturing the entire Wu Ree fighting systems on DVD to preserve the teachings of Wu Ming Ahn as well as our research and development of unique fighting systems develope exclusively by the Wu Ree Institute

Wu Ree Dit Da Jow and other herbal training liniment - The Wu Ree Dita Da Jow and training liniment and creams are used for tired muscles and for the conditioning of the hands and other external areas of the body (expressly for external use only)

I Chuan Fa Fighting Poles - Our Wu Ree I Chuan Fa fighting poles are used individually to enhance  your Wing Chun techniques and various animal fists.  So called because they are One Pole Fighting Tools.

Wu Ree Uniforms (Class Regulation) - Every student is required to now observe the Wu Ree Tradition.  You will find the uniform needed for your rank listed  on the uniform page.

Wu Ree Weapons & Fighting Tools - Weaponry is not mandatory but are a part of our martial arts curriculum.  Weapons training is available for all who desire if they have reached a specific level of martial arts development.

Wu Ree Apparel / Gifts - The Wu Ree apparel and Gifts page will present our exclusive jackets, shirts and other paraphenelia offered by our institute.

The Wu Ree Institute of Kung fu

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