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The Prime Maxim of Shu Nian Tai Wing Chun

The Prime Maxim

The Prime Maxim is the primary law of Shu Nian Tai that governs the conceptual actions and applications of this unusual Wing Chun system. Because this system is designed to teach the student to use Wing Chun In about half the time as the regular Wing Chun Systems it is essential that the practioner remember and commit to memory the prime maxim. It is the Law that essentially contains the most important focus that the student must never forget.

Shu Nian Tai literally means "At the very beginning engage in small concepts or little thought" It imbues the ideaology that one does not fill their heads with a lot of ideals and techniques. Shu Nian Tai is an art that systematically teaches one to flow through their reflexive instincts and not to rely upon their memory concerning techniques. The Prime Maxim reads on this wise,

"Although the circumference of a circle be expanded it is still 360 degrees. Although the circle be enlarged it does not lose it's fundamental nature"...

This, in and of itself, refers to the nature of the circle. It does not change it's value or nature nor its characteristics because it is enlarged. The center is still the same and the value of the circle in degrees are exactly the same. The only thing that changes is the amount of space that must be maintained. The nature of degrees are simply spread out which means the guardian of the circle must use more strength and energy to maintain the circle. The methodology and laws that govern the circle does not change merely because it is enlarged. It is this ideal that reveals that the circle in expanding merely makes it hard to continue in the same characteristics and methodology. It reveals that the true Wing Chun Stylist does not seek to add many technqiues to his or her repetoire but seeks to engage the only the rhythm of the reflexes. More technqiues do not make the Wing Chun Stylist better or more accomplished it is the skill and mastery over the circle and its fundamental character that makes the Wing Chun Stylist more accomplished.

"Such is the System of Wu Ree Shu Nian Tai Wing Chun. It grows only to become small again and becomes small only to grow"

The System of Wu Ree Wing Chun both Shu Nian Tai and the conventional system expands the knowledge of the practitioner by teaching the various elements of the system for the reason of equiping the student to exercise greater accuracy. The various techniques and concepts only enable the practitioner to become more conscise in movement and to save energy and movment. Knowledge grows to decrease time, energy and motion. The information grows and the material seems to be unending only to enhance direct fighting and to free the individual from thinking to fight.

"It is the path of the small ideal. It begins with the small ideal and will end with the small ideal. The the beginning of the circle will ultimately also become its end. Thus shu Nian Tai Wing Chun expands itself only to become small in the end"

Shu Nian Tai specializes in doing only what needs to be done. It is not contemplative of gradeur and fantastic moves. It begins with two ideals: "Stop the enemy's attack" and "Launch your own attack" This is to be done with as little time and as little effort as possible. If one takes a lot of effort they have violated the concepts of Shu Nian Tai. Little effort, Little time, Little movement is the key. The practitioner grows with knowledge only to refine his knowledge. He grows with many techniques only to need very few techniques.

"He who understands this Maxim will understand Shu Nian Tai and its nature as well as the complex harmony of motion, time and space. For it is in Shu Nian Tai the art of Win Chun is seeded.

To understand the ideal of "starting with small or little concepts" is the very seed of Wu Ree Wing Chun. It is not the pedigre but survival that is important. Thus the Wu Ree Fighter seeks only to do what is needed. It is not the pretty beautiful moves of extravagants that is preferred but it is the beauty of simplicity that the Wu Ree Shu Nian Tai Stylist gravitates to.


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