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About The Music

Featured Song 2020

Featured Song For December

"An Old Night"



The song, "An Old Night" is a tune that was written while I was considering the times of the past when life seemed to be much less complicated.  Although there have always been complicated situation that were a part of life those times I remember were not as tense growing up as a kid.  This song reveals how many individuals, while trying to survive spend a lot of time reflecting.  At times there may be sleepless nights while trying to strategize and develop a business, a family or even an intimate relationship.  Long nights represents the balance that we all try to obtain and how this balance, at times seems to be elusive.  


Each of us have had an old night where the scenario gets old and we get tired of trying to bring resolution to the prevailing problem or problems.  Old nights are actually time periods in our lives when we are trying to bring old remedies to new complicated issues.  They also represent a continual struggle with problems that seem to not go away or being capable of fixing.  Old nights may be reoccurring problems and yet "Old Nights" always leave us with new days.


Although this is one of my previously recorded songs it is still relevant to human expression and human growth.


       D. Reeves

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