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3 Areas of Essencological Expertise


The study of Essencology prepares the would be practitioner for one of three areas or as an "Integrative Specialist" of several areas of expertise in the field of Essencolgy. Those who desire to enter into their field of speciality must have completed the general studies  of Essencology at both the Novicius and Intermediates level.

The Essencological Researcher


Foremost is the Essencologist who is the researcher.  The Essencology researchers is one who gives themselves over to the examination, structure and organization of Essencology into a vibrant study of man and those systems of aiding man in becoming a spiritual, well adjusted and productive citizen to their society at large and the Kingdom of God.


There are 8 areas of concentration in which an Essencological Researcher can specialize (The 6th being an Integrative Specialist);


1.  The Theology of Man - Understanding man as a creation of God with plan, purpose and objectivity given to him by God.


2.  Anthro-apologetics - The study of the defense and argumentation for man as a created being with body, soul and spirit that has been created in the image and likeness of God.


3.  Adamics - The study of Adam as the prototype of man, his nature, before and after the fall as well as after the new birth process.


4.  Essencologistics - Using the information concerning the nature of man from scripture and essencological research to develop unique counseling strategies that recognize man as a trichotomic being.


5.  Phusiology - The study of nature itself and how the human nature from the archetypal beginings to the new birth process causes specific ideations in the consciousness of man and influence to a great degree the behavior of man.


6.  Integrative Essencological Researcher - The Integrative Essencologist will combine one or more of the above areas of expertise.  This type of researcher is the most authoritattive type of Essencological Researcher in the essencology Field.

7.  Pneumatic Counseling (Life Principles) - The developing of life principles wherein the believer may life the Word of God and incorporate every aspect of covenant provisions given and set into motion by God.  The pneumatic counselor helps the believer to develop strategies for life and living life successfully from a biblical paradigm.

8.  Nepheshiology - The overall study of the man as a living soul.  Those dynamics that operate within him as a living soul and what this means as it relates to behavior thought, human sexuality and gender identity.  Whereas most psychologist do not account for the soul and the spirit, nepheshiology considers man to be a trichotomic being composed of: Body, Soul and Spirit



Essencological Instructors




The Essencologist Instructor is one who teaches the principles of Essencology to those who will become either a researcher, practioner or instructor themselves.  To do so the instructor must have an expert handle on the principles of Essencology.  they themselves must either be a researcher or one who is an Integrative Specialist of Essencological Principles and knowledge.  The Essencology instructor must understand and have mastered:


1.  Principles of Education


2.  Principles of Pneumatic Counseling


3.  Principles of one or more of the 5 branches of Essencological Study



Essencological Practitioner



The Essencological Practitioner is one who literally engages in three areas of Pneumatic Counseling of Essencology:


1.  Pneumatic Foundations -Developing individuals into spiritual beings and empowering them to deal with those problematic areas of their life using scripture as a means of reconcilling dysfunctional ideations and thinking processes to live a more abundant and productive life.


2.  Spiritual Guidance - The process of leading people through the scriptures to become productive and using life principles to excel as born again believers who desire to excel in livinging the abundant life.


3.  Sexuality Specialist - The practice and principles of helping others to resolve their sexuality and to maintain an understanding and strategy for living a healthy life as a healthy adjusted and spiritual sexual being.


Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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