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Essencology Course Handbook



Prerequisites For Essencology Major

All Essencology Majors must complete the following before entering into Essencology as a major core curriculum:

1.  The Mandatory Prep Courses or test out by way of the T.C.L.E.P. (Theological College Level  Examination Program). 


2.  The General Studies Certificate Program

3.  Entry Level Essencological Nepheshiological Evaluation (The Essencological Evaluation will determine if the individual has latent deviations of spirituality that will warrant the continual observation of the candidate for essencology or the denial of entry into the program.

4.  Student evaluation - The SRB (Student Review Board) will determine the actual readiness of the candidate based upon their discipline, (work history and frequency of late assignments) ability to understand the concepts and the essencological processes in using essencology and success in case study practicum as well as communication skills which include speaking and listening skills)

The candidate will be interviewed by the Department Head and the Essencology Student Review Board to determine if the student is a likely candidate to enter into the Essencology Field as an Essencology Major.


Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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