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Dr.  D. A. Reeves, Chairman

Pastor Phillip King Presb.

Lamont King

Taneka King

General Essencology Studies

Novicius / Intermediatus Essencology Certificate Programs

All students should have 200 hours of clocked practicum hours before receiving their Novicius Certificate and a total of 150 hours of Clocked Practicum for the Intermeidatus Certificate. 


The first certificate programs that are offered in the R.I.S.E. Institute of Essencology are consistent with the certification program of R.M.E.G. (Reeverian Ministerial Educational Group.  Essencology, founded by Dr. Derrick A. Reeves is founded upon the principles that God is the author of all knowledge and that God has given man the ability to discover specific types of knowledge that God has ordained.  Essencology is not opposed to psychological principles or normative counseling principles.  Many of the techniques are rooted in vibrant and consistent truth that is in line with biblical principles concerning the Word of God.  Essencology seeks to utilize those principles of truth in line with biblical concepts concerning the nature of man (a Trichotomic Being) and to apply general counseling theory, discernment, prayer and most of all biblical principles concerning the theology of man.


The 2 foundational certificate programs are the ES.N. (Novicius of Essencology) which is the entry level of Essencology that begins by exposing the students to the principles of the Trichotomic Nature of man and how these elements operated within a blueprint and design that God has established.   The second certificate program is the ES.I. (Intermediatus of Essencology).  This certificate program is the next level of Essencology and will bring the student into the ussage of primary counseling theories that are intertwined with biblical principles and concepts. 

Novicius Certificate (ES.N.) 

20 Courses 5 Cr. ea. 100 cr.


1.  Intro To Essencolgy (ESCO-100) - This course is the entry level course that introduces Essencology and the basic principles.


2.  Understanding Man In Light of Essencology (ESCO-101) - This course will expose the student to the principles of the Biblical Theology of Man and will deal with man from a fundamental biblical perspective as body, soul and spirit and how these elements are interwoven together in a systemic fashion.


3.  Man As A Trichotomic Being (ESCO-102) - This course will examine to a much closer degree what the trichotomic nature of man is and the integration of this trichotomy as it relates to those dynamics of operating in accordance to the blueprint and design of God.


4.  The Integration of The Soul And the Soma (ESCO-103) - This course will explore the modality of operation and the method in which the body and the soul are seamlessly integrated and how this integration may possible influence behavior.


5.  The Integration of the Spirit and the Soul (ESCO-104) - This course will examine the process by which the spirt and the soul are integrated and how these elements of man's being interact with each other.


6.  Freudian Construction In View of Scripture (ESCo-105) - This course will examine the theories of Freud's Super Ego, Id & the Ego in conjunction with the Biblical account and how these concepts may or may not be applicable to the Theology of Man.


7.  The Examination of the Bernian Transactional Analysis In Light of Scripture (ESC-106) - This course will examine the theories of Eric Berne (The Parent, Adult and the Child) as a psychological model and give appropriate reason for the rejection of this theory as sound Biblical Modality for counseling and will also point out how the theory can be used in a safe manner to understanding some mental/emotional ideations.


8.  The Nature And Dynamics of Adam  (ESCO-107) - This course will examine the original sin of Adam and why this is relevant to understanding man as well as developing an effective strategy in addressing the dysfunctional behavior of man.


9.  The Tselemic Demuwthian Structure of Adam (ESCO-108) - This course will focus on the original pattern of man in Adam and what those dynamics were before the fall and what the work of Essencology is in accordance to the believer.


10.  The Introductory View of Essencological Psychology (ESCO-109) - This course will examine the science of psychology from an essencological view and ascertain the importance of such a study in understanding the human psyche.


11.  Discovering The Soul (ESCO-110) - This course will explore just what the soul is in accordance to the scriptures and essencological tenets.


12.  Cultural Views & The Construction of the Weltanschauung (ESCO-111) - This course will examine how one's culture will aid in the shaping of one's worldview.


13.  The Origin of The Soul & And Its Unique Individuality (ESCO-112)- This course will explore the biblical account of the origin of the soul and how the soul is a unique entity that assimilates the unique body it inhabits and thereby producing a unique individuality.

14.  The Essentia & Hypostatic Being of The Soul (ESCO-113) - This course will explore the literal objective reality of the soul as a non-conventional non-material substance as is the somatic essence of man as well as the examination of its own atmosphaera.


15.  The Centralization & Position of the Soul Within The Somatic Physiology (ESCO-114) - This course will explore the place in which the soul resides and how the soul is integrated throughout the somatic physiology of man.


16.  Analysis of Instincts (ESCO-115)- This course will explore the meaning of the instinct and reveal how and why instincts are a part of the human nature in accordance with Biblical and Essencological theories.


17.  A Basic View of the Temperaments of Man (ESCO-116)- This course will explore the types of psychological temperaments and how these temperaments can be blended within a single psyche.


18.  Intro To Human Sexuality (ESCO-117)- This is the first course in human sexuality from a biblical and essencological perspective.  The student will come to understand what human sexuality is and understand what type of instinct that sexuality is.


19.  Becoming A Spiritual Person (ESCO-118) - This course will explore the meaning of spiritual and will also analyze and focus on what it takes for an individual believer to become a spiritual, anointed believer.


20.  Marriage in Light of the Theotic Principle (ESCO-119) - This course will explore the basic pattern of marriage as given and instituted by God and will explore why the pattern of marriage was ordained by God to be man and woman.

Intermediatus Certificate (ES.I.)

20 Courses 5 Cr. ea. 100cr.


1.  The Interview, Techniques & Protocols (ESCO-200) - This course will focus on the interview process as an essencologist and will also focus on the unique protocols and processes that are utilized when conducting the interview.


2.  An Analysis of Rollo May's Psychological System (ESCO-201) - This course will examine the concepts and ideologies of the famous Psychologist who was a major force for existential psychology.  The student will examine the theories and practices in the light of scriptures.


3.  Existential Psychotherapy (ESCO-202) - This course will expose the student to existential psychotherapy and those elements that are called the "Given" in which each individual is confronted with in life that causes the challenges of life that may cause the inner conflicts that ultimately lead to dysfunctional behavior etc.


4.  Introduction To Multi-Cultural Counseling (ESCO-203)- This course will examine the issues in counseling multi-cultural groups and those elements within the various belief systems that make it difficult in counseling various groups.


5.  Counseling Using Instinctual Modalities As A Mode Of Understanding Man (ESCO-204) - This course will explore the Essencological theories of instincts and examine the types of instincts that exist and how understanding these instincts can provide a backdrop to understand behavior.


6.  The Human Atmosphaera & The Levels of Consciousness (ESCO-205) - This course will explore the existing reality of the soul and how it relates to the various levels of consciousness in the field of essencology.


7.  The Healthy Psyche (ESCO-206) - This course will explore the elements that make for a healthy soul.  The student will also examine the state of the healthy soul and those experiences that should come with the healthy soul.


8.  Analysis of The Dysfunctional Soul (ESCO-207) - This course will explore from an integrated perspective using the theories of essencology, scripture and those points of view that focus on the nature of dysfunctions of the psyche.


9.  The Soul and Parallel Realms (ESCO-208)- The soul's vulnerability to spiritual influence will be examine as well as the phenomenon of spiritual entities that may very well influence behavior and psychological dysfunctions.


10.  Somatic Impacts on Psychological Behavior (ESCO-209)- This course will examine how physiological conditions can influence mental health and why it is important to see man as more than a machine.  Personhood and the soul will also be examined in this course.


11.  How Volitional Choice Impact the Brain & Behavior (ESCO-210) - This course will explore the brain and volitional choice of thought that have a profound impact on the orientation and condition of the brain thereby causing modalities of thinking and behaving to be more probable.

12.  The Development & Structure of Essencology (ESCO-211) - This course will explore the structure and dynamics of Essencology and how this discipline was developed.


13.  Power of The Sexual Instinct (ESCO-212) - This course will examine the dynamics and power of the sexual instincts that are deeply integrated within the being of man and how they extend beyond the body and the soul into the very nature of the human spirit.


14.  The Essencological Examination of the Phenomenon of Sodomy (Spirit or Prefered Alignment) [ESCO-213] - This course will examine the modern consensus held by many Christians that homosexuality is a spirit and examine it within the context of deep-rooted programing and integrative thought patterns that may suggest the occurrence of a psychological realignment of sexual behavior patterns.


15.  Human Sexuality Defined From An Essencological View (ESCO-214) - This course will define human sexuality and examine the concepts of sexuality and the integration of this powerful instinct within the entire being of man.


16.  An Essencological Examination of The Human Spirit (ESC0-215) - This course will examine the human spirit and focus on the meaning and the nature of the human spirit as it relates to man.


17.  Operations of the Human Soul (ESCO-216)-This course will explore the essencological consensus of the human soul and it's operation.


18.  The Failing of Our Marriages (ESCO- 217)- This course will examine one of the oldest institutions of man, marriage and why it fails to be successful and in many cases ends tragically.


19.  Inner Workings of Adam (ESCO-218) - This is the first course in the study of the branch of Essencology called Awdamics (Adamics).  The course will examine the nature of the inner dynamics of man as he was first created and what the nature of true masculinity is according to biblical principles.


20.  Innerworkings of Eve (ESCO-219)- This course will examine the nature of the female using Eve the first woman as an empirical case study.

Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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