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The Study of The Living Soul

The New Image Reflects The Advances In Nepheshiology

The term psychology can be defined from its root word definitive meaning as the study of the soul (Psyche + Ology).  Psychology from the aspect of a discipline of study can be defined as:

"The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context."

The term Nepheshiology is taken from the biblical Hebrew word Nephesh (Nepes) and is rendered as the word soul in Genesis 2:7.  In this context it literally refers to the "Living Soul"  The concept of a living soul is what drives the study of Nepheshiology.  The concepts suggest that firstly man is more than a materialistic being and exists as a creation of God with a unique and objective purpose.  Man is also seen as an immaterial soul that is finitely eternal (having been created but meant to live forever.

The Nephesh or soul is considered to be the individual immaterial person that is interwoven and integrated into the somatic systems of the physiological while at the same time being integrative with pneumatic living energies that is called spirit.  Nepheshiology is the study of this amazing entity that is called the living soul and its characteristics as well as its function in the body and with the spirit.

The Association of Pneumatic Nepheshiologists is an organization that was developed specifically for those who focus on Nepheshiology.  Nepheshiology is a branch of Essencology that was developed to specifically study the elements of the "living soul as found in Genesis 2:7.


   "...And man became a living soul"

Whereas the field of essencology examines every aspect of the nature of man (Body, Soul and Spirit) Nepheshiology examines the soul (nephesh) and the dynamics that cause this amazing creation to operate.  It can be called a true fully biblical version of psychology.

the unique difference between psychology and nepheshiology is the view that man is a living entity that is integrated within the physiological systems of the body and is itself integrated by the pneumatic principle that believers know to be the spirit.  The APN was given full jurisdiction to oversee all nepheshiologists and their training although the RAEC (Reeverian Association of Essencological Counselors) will be the testing board and mechanism of licensing all nepheshiologists under the joint diocese of R.R.G., R.A.E.C., R.M.E.G. and D.R.M.

Because the system of Essencology is growing rapidly and being developed at a pace that is becoming difficult to monitor other provisions have been set into place to ensure that all Essencologists, Nepheshiologists and Pneumatic Life Coaches are thoroughly trained and prepared to enter into the Biblical & Pastoral counseling ministry.

Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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