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The Reeverian Association Of Essencological Counselors


PURPOSE: The Reeverian Association of Essencological Counselors (R.A.E.C.) was developed for the purpose of establishing and maintaing a level of quality and professionalism amongst the ranks of certified Essencologists.  To do this all Essencologists will have to have their certification with our organization after successfully fulfilling their required curriculum at the R.I.S.E. (Reeverian Institute for the Studies of Essencology).  The Association will continue to monitor those certified Essencologists and provide continuing educational resources to ensure that our spiritual guidance, personal development, sexologist personnel etc. continue to perform and operate at the highest levels of professionalism possible.



R.A.E.C. will also issue yearly renewal of our personal licensure memberships that will allow us to also ensure that our personnel are fulfilling our goals, requirements and our policies and procedures and guidelines that have been established at the corporate and national level in accordance with out ruling board of administrators.  The association in conjunction with the Board of Administrators of the Reeverian Association of Essencological Counselors (B.O.A.R.A.E.C.) is the governing agency for all Essencologist who will police and investigate the conduct and decorum of those who receive licensure with this private agency.



What Essencologists Do



It is essential to understand that Essencologist concentrate on the following protocols and guidelines:


1.  Spiritual Guidance - Spiritual Guidance is the art of providing scriptural and spiritual counseling that focuses on the development of the individual as a spiritual born again believer and spiritual personhood.  As such our counsel and protocols will come from the Scriptures (The Bible) from an academic perspective in such a manner that the believer will incorporate scriptural strategies that conform to principles that consider man as a trichotomic being that is integrated within a somatic, soulish and spiritual makeup.  


2.  Pastoral/Biblical Counseling - Another aspect of Essencology is the avenue of Pastoral and Biblical Counseling.  The goal of these principles is the development of sound behavior and mental states that allow the individual to conform to a living faith that corresponds to biblical principles for life.  These aspects of Essencology will include:  Marriage, Family, Emotional, Relational & Such things as Grief etc.  The object of our Pastoral and Biblical Counseling is to empower the believer to live a life that is in conformity to the scritpure that will also enable the believer to live a wholesome and productive life within a societal setting.


3.  Sexual Behavior Counseling - This aspect of Essencology will explore the elements of spiritual alignment and realignment to aid individual is establishing strategies to cope with sexual deviencey, sexual addictions and to understand sexual construction of sexual modalities and behaviors.


Essencologist do not prescribe medication or seek to conduct psychotherapeutic techniques even though it is a part of our required curriculum to take classes on the aforementioned disciplines.  The goal of Essencology is purely to equip those individuals who are within the church to operate and live a life within society within a state of normalcy that corresponds to scripture.




The Areas Of Research & Study


Essencology consists of several professional tracks of study and research.  Those who study Essencology will do so from the following perspectives:


1.  An Instructor


2.  A Practitioner


3.  A Researcher


4.  An Integrative Specialist



The Unique Branches Of Essencology Are As Follows:



1. The Theology of Man


2.  Adamics / Awdamics


3.  Phusiology


4.  Essencologisitcs


5.  Anthro-apologetics


6.  Sexology ( 4 sub branches)


7.  Marriage Studies


8.  Pneumatic Counseling (Personal Develop/Life Principles)


9.  Nepheshiology (The Study of The Living Soul)

10.  General Ministry Practitioner

11.  Pneumaticist Assessment Counselor

12.  Pneumatic Neuroplastic Regenesis

13.  Life Coaching

14.  Reframing & Wellness


As a unique system Essencology is composed of the prementioned elements and are so arragned and constructed as to enable the Instructor, the practitioner and the researcher to continue researcher and practicing Essencology as a Pneumatic Counseling Therapy.



Process of Joining The R.A.E.C.

(This is a private certification not recognized by the government and only uses biblical principles for the study of man and man's behavior. To ensure that our constituents are top-notched instructors and ministers of Essencology they are continually engaged in seminars, workshops and CEU with the R.I.S.E. training programming).


All graduates who desire to become licensed with the Reeverian Association of Essencologist Counselors may apply and take the standard test to become a Certified Essencologist with the Reeverian Concepts LLC group.  The testing is done specifically by the Board of Administrators of the Reeverian Association of Essencological Counselors.  The individual in receiving their letter of acceptance as a candidate will be tested on the principles of Essencology and the applications of the same.  If that individual passes the test with at least an 85% or better they will be considered based upon their interview process and testing results.


That individual, once admitted into the R.A.E.C.,  is responsible for the upkeeping and renewal of their yearly license and for attending the seminars, conferences and continuing education programs for all Essencologist.  If that individual does not keep their credentials current nor continue with the completion of the yearly continuing education units they will be removed from the association and their license will no longer be valid.


Only those who possess a valid license with the R.A.E.C. will be recognized and permitted to teach and to operate as a certified Essencologist who is backed by the national organization.  Those who do not have a current license will not be added to the yearly list of individuals who are recognized as a legitimate Essencology Counselor.  All individuals will be notified if their credentials have not been renewed or if they fall behind in their continuing education units. 

Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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