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R.A.E.C. . Requirements

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"Ministering to The World One Person at A Time"

Rescue      Restore      Revive

The Reeverian Association for Essencological Counselors (R.A.E.C.) is unique in that it is the first organization of its kind that has developed a system of pastoral/biblical counseling that truly incorporates the existence of the spirit of man as a viable contributor in the behavior of man as a created sentient being of God.  R.A.E.C. also considers man to be a trichotomic being that is an integrated whole and that man and his behavior patterns and dysfunctional states can be attributed to Physiological, Psychological and Pneumatological factors.



About R.A.E.C.

The Reeverian Association for Essencological Counselors is an organization that was developed by the administrators of the School of Essencology known as R.I.S.E. (Reeverian Institute for the Study of Essencology).  This organization is actually a ruling committee that sets policies, certifies and monitors the various conduct and codes of ethic for all certified Essencologists.  Essencologists exist to give spiritual counseling, and biblical counseling to the modern day believer while attempting to also empower the believer to operate within the perimeters of a healthy believer who can now operate in society and the church as a productive and adjusted citizen.  Becoming a born again believer can occur after an individual has suffered tremendous stress and trauma.  If the believer has not made a smooth transition their lives can remain dysfunctional and often times delusional.  Essencologists seek to empower the believer to assimilate into a healthy spirituality while also discovering a healthy biblical model of the self.

Essencologists do not practice psychoanalytic  theory, offer psychological counseling or practice psychiatry but utilize biblical principles of spiritual and biblical concepts to understand human nature and aid men and women in adjusting to life and and those problems of life that are common to all people thereby becoming spiritual persons.  All  individuals who are suffering from conditions caused by brain trauma, chemical imbalances and other debilitating  states will be referred to a professional.

R.I.S.E. and R.A.E.C. undestand the seriousness of ministry and as such our view of Essencology/Nepheshiology is considered to be ministry.  Only serious candidates should seek to apply or engage in the use of Essencology as a means of ministry.  Under RAEC guidelines no one should engage in any counseling without the proper training, education, licensing and post credentialed cataloging of supervised hours of practicum.  Because we have such a view of the seriousness of any ministry all Candidates who seek credentials must be trained in the following aspects:

1.  Discipline-Specific Conceptual Knowledge - Individuals must complete successfully all requirements (classes, seminars and training) at a level of 90% or greater.  After being awarded their credentials the said candidate will be tested and licensed with the R.A.E.C. in accordance to the Ministerial Credential Department of End Time (ACHC).  Those who engage in counseling of any kind without being vetted and prepared do so at their own risk and this establishment will not support their actions.


2.  Research Skill Development - All candidates should understand and master the provided research and those research techniques that enable one to understand how to use biblical principles that are prescribed.  Essencology must be engaged with true and real research methodology that has been examined and perfected.


3.  Communication Skills - Any counselor, teacher or preacher must have unique communication skills.  Essencology is no different and therefore R.I.S.E. uses the discourse method of teaching and training along with role plays and established normalcy of communication skills.  Essencology demands that individuals have both excellent listening skills, critical thinking skills and communication skills.  These elements are also included in the educational curriculum and the testing to procure ones credentials


4.  Professionalism - Some of the major elements that are enforced in ensuring the professionalism of all Essencologists will be harassment, sexual harassment and other forms of manipulation and abuse. Unprofessional behavior will not be tolerated on any level when ministering to members or parishioners.  Loss of license and fines may result for unprofessional behavior.


5.  Leadership And Management Skills -  Essencologist lead others through the Word of God (Scriptures) and those principles that are embedded within the text.  There must be avid leadership skills present before one will be allowed to receive their credentials and be licensed with the R.A.E.C. for Essencological and Nepheshiological Ministry.  Candidates must be organized and prove their ability to structure and operate within time constraints and schedules and to set time constraints. Because the nature of Essencology is spiritual renewal and recovery all Essencologist should have a definite start and end period as it relates to the duration of ministering.


6.  Responsible Conduct Of Research - Essencologists must understand that they are responsible for reviewing their sessions, making anecdotes, and maintaining secure records of all sessions while further enhancing their skills through continued study, seminars, workshop and investigations that improve the quality of their ministry to others.  This research and investigative processes should be conformed to department colloquium as well as, supervised brain storming sessions and meetings with responsible department heads.  Personal research will be evaluated at all colloquium sessions.

All individuals accepted into R.A.E.C will receive the membership handbook with policies and procedures that govern all individuals that are licensed with this organization.

The National Postdoctoral Association established six competencies in an effort to guide post-doctoral scholars, mentors, institutions, and other advisors. A post-doctoral fellowship should include training in the following areas:  R.A.E.C. has adopted these 6 requirements to ensure that those who function in this association do so with the understanding of the urgency and gravity of the ministry of Essencology.


Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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