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Life Principles of Philosophy

Spiritual Guidance (Developing A Strategy For Living)

Life principles are those principles that are meant to give the individual a healthy perspective of the dynamics of life and the process of living.  Life is an awesome gift to each and every person.  In discovering true life and living it one becomes synchronized with the very purpose that makes them who and what they are.  Below are the courses for our "Life Principles Coach" Program.  This is a part of our program in the "pneumatic guidance" field.

Life Principles

Magister of Pneumatic Guidance


Life Coaching Skills

1.  Personal Development & Basic Nepheshian Instincts (PLC-100) - This course will investigate the basic instincts of man as it relates to those instincts of the soul that involve relationships, belonging and self worth. There will also be a focus on why individuals lose respect for themselves and struggle in life finding success.

2.  Perspectivism & The Need To Renew The Mind (PLC-101) - This course will introduce the student to the dynamics of mental rigidity and why mind sets are the most difficult problems for individuals to change.  The concepts of "Epigenetics" and "Change Through Neuroplasticity" will be discussed and the need for a renewing of the mind before there can be a change in perspective thinking.

3.  Casting Down Destructive Mental Images (PLC-102) - This course will explore the power of images created through the imagination within the mind.  The student will come to understand the need to disrupt and disengage themselves from the thoughts that hinder self development, progressive thinking and cause stagnation within the soul. The Blueprint Concept will be discussed and why individuals can only achieve what they see and think consistently.

4. Reconstruction, The Mode Of Reshaping The Personal Mind (PLC-103) - This course will examine the process of reconstruction the mind pneumatically and why the spiritual mind is the most efficient mind of all. This course will also focus on the processes of mental reconstruction and the realigning of the perspective from an unhealthy mode to a healthy mode. The student will be responsible for undergoing a nepheshian mind reconstruction and also learn how to construct a personal mental strategy and to develop personal goals.  In so doing the student will also come to understand how to aid others in developing a mental reconstructive strategy.

5. Purpose The Foundation of Life -PLC-104 - This course will examine purpose which is the schematic for one's life and course of living.

6.  Purpose is Systemic - PLC-105 - This course will explore what purpose is and who designates purpose.  It will also explore the concept that purpose is what drives design.

7.  Discipline Maintains Purpose-PLC-105 -  this course will explore the idea of discipline and examine why not many people in the church have ever acquired this much needed virtue and what occurs when one has not developed discipline.

8.  Defining Purpose Clarifies Life -PLC -106 - When one comes to understand that life is merely the unfolding of our opportunity to fulfill our mission it is the purpose that becomes clarified.  This course will explore the clarification of life by understanding purpose.

9. Functioning In Purpose Activates Life - PLP -107 - This course will explore what is to come next after one's purpose is understood.  The duality of purpose will be examined as well.  For there is a purpose that is generated in our own minds that we call the life journey and there is a purpose ordained of God.  Sometimes these two journeys conflict but every now and then they are in sync.

10.  Faith Solidifies Life - PLC -108 - This course will explore the importance of faith that is biblical.  We who are governed by scripture understand that the doctrine faith expresses that we have Faith toward God.  This course will explore the meaning of this doctrine and why it catapults the believer beyond a mere faith that one can achieve.

11.  The Meaning of Success - PLC -109 - This course will explore the meaning of success as an outcome of specific endeavors.  Faith is the accomplishment of objective.  It is not always defined by money or even fame.  This course will explore the true meaning of the word success from a biblical perspective.

12.  Covenant, God's Gift To Believers -PLC -110 - This course will examine one of the greatest and most powerful relationships in existence.  It is the covenant that was composed by God through Christ that extended to the believer the opportunity of eternity.  It is this covenant agreement by which God deals with mankind and blesses the believer.

13.  The Power of Covenant- PLC-111 - This course will continue where course PLC-100 left off.  It will explore the contingencies that are built into the legal binding agreement known as covenant and why most covenants that are eternal are bound by blood.  This course will even reveal why not all blood is equal and why there is a blood pact that can disrupt all other blood pacts.

14.  Covenant as a Living Legal Document - PLC-112 - The covenant will be explored as a living document in this class.  The examination of a living trust will be explored and how it relates to the active covenant that God has made with all who will accept His Lordship.

15.  Knowledge, a Key Component of Covenant - PLC-113 - The covenant becomes powerful in the heart of those who understand and have knowledge of how it should be implemented and how the components of it should be used.

16.  Faith, the Key to Activating Covenant -PLC-114 - This course will explore why biblical faith must be used to operate and activate a Biblical covenant that has been established by God.

17.  Covenant, the Supreme Law - PLC-114 - This course will examine Premum Legatum and what comes with this "First Legacy of Law"  It is the covenant that is the rite of supreme divine law.

The Nature of The Word of God

Supremus of Pneumatic Guidance


Life Coaching Skills

1.  The Principle of the Combinative Word PLC-200 - This course is the first of the Supremus Certification and will examine the "Combinative Word" of God.  The believer must abide by the whole roll or the entirety of the scrolls of God's law and precepts.

2.  The Nature of Logos-PLC -201 - This course will examine the power in understanding what Logos is to God and what Logos is to the believer.  It by the Logos that all things were made which includes even our success in living life.

3.  The Nature of the Rhema -PLC-202 -This course will explore the meaning of Rhema and how the rhema is related to the logos.  The student will also come to understand how to reconcile these two phenomena in their lives.

4.  Thoughts, Words & Images - PLC-203 - This course will examine how thoughts, words and images are all a part of faith.  These are the components of faith and must be developed in agreement.

5.  Imagination, the Blueprint Designer -PLC-204 - Faith is substance.  Our power of imagination constructs a substantial image in vision form.  It is this image that becomes the basis of changing our external and internal realities.

6.  The Nature of Thoughts _PLC -205 - This course will explore thoughts from the neuroscietia perspective and unravel why thoughts are so important and why both God and dark forces both seek to gain access to these amazing energy filled occurrences that the mind produces.

7.  The Nature of Imaginational Images - PLC-206 - This course will explore the nature of the imagination that produces images and the power that can be harnessed for good if the believer develops the imagination in accordance to the scripture.

8.  The Thought, Image Connection -PLC-207 - This course will examine the process of connecting both thought and the image.  The outcome of this process will be explored as well as the intended purpose for this process as designed by God.

9.  What Happens When We Speak God's Word - PLC - 208 - This course will explore the Tselemic Demuwthian principle within the nature of man and why agreement with the Word of God is vital to living true life in this world today.

10.  Phusiological Instincts -PLC-209 - This course will examine the instincts of man as well as the instincts of the spirit-filled believer and why the believer must come to understand the new nature within them.  This new nature operates on a new set of principle that work by faith and envisioning the outcome that occurs by faith.

11.  Demuthian Principles of Thought And Speech - PLC-210 - This course will explore the demuwthian principles of thought and speak.  This principle gives to the believer the principle and pattern of performing in life using God's thought pattern and speech pattern.

12. Dunamis & Faith-PLC-211- This course will examine the link between faith and the power of our new birth.  Dunamis is miraculous power and faith is the ignition of this power.

13.  The Word Is A Living Extension of the Speaker -PLC-212 - This course will explore the pneumatikosiological process of the spoken word or thought word of an individual and how this word is merely a manifested extension of their living soul.

14. Rhema, Building Blocks of Creation -PLC-213 - This course will explore why the release of God aligned words by faith have the potentiality to construct the content of God's rhema.  The power of resonance will be explored as it relates to sound and the release of conjunctive power.

15. Reprogramming The Nepheshiological -PLC-214- This course will explore the concept of Neuroplasticity and how and why it was designed by God to operate as it does.

Faith & Confession

Magister Supremus of Pneumatic Guidance (MS.PG.)

Life Coaching Skills


1. The Meaning of Faith PLC-300 - This course will examine from an in-depth perspective what faith truly is as a spiritual mode of thinking and as a pneumatikosiological law that operates within the quantum fields of energy and the Primus Energeia known as "First Energy"

2.  Pistisiological Dynamics -PLC- 301 - This course will explore why faith seems to not always operate when we need it to do so.  This course will also investigate why faith can be misapplied and its laws violated.

3.  Where Faith Is Deposited - PLC-302 - The anatomy of faith will be explore and the student will come to understand where faith originates within the believer or any human and how faith is continually developed and how it is released.

4.  The Law of Faith -PLC -303 - The fundamental construct of the Law of Faith will be examined.  It is a spiritual law and must be operated as such if it is to be productive and viable in the lives of the believer.

5.  Developing Streams of Faith - PLC-304- This course will explore faith as a systemic thought process that must be used in conjunct with the soul and the spirit.

6.  Faith Illuminates Dunamis - PLC-305 - The Process of power driven by faith will be explored as well as the state of being infused with power and yet having no access to it.  Dunamis is related by the power of faith and knowledge.

7.  Creation Ex Materialis - PLC-306 - This course will explore the creational process by the use of material existence.  The premise that believers may have the ability to use faith and their power to construct intended reality in the material existence will be explored.

8.  Faith the Great Construct -PLC-307- This course will explore the biblical topic of faith and why God places so much value on this virtue that is a fruit of the spirit.  This course will also directly link faith and creational power together as a system of operating in the spirit realm.

9.  Establishing Reality -PLC-308 - This course will explore the concept of our ability to work with God in establishing and changing existing states in the material realm with our faith and the rhematic word of God.

10.  The Meaning of Confession -PLC-309 - This course will explore one of the most misused terms in the church.  The true meaning of confession will be examined and why confession is not merely the admittance of guilt but an open announcement of a truth.

11.  Operating Beyond Material Senses -PLC-310 - This course will explore the pneumatikosiological foundations of the existence of other realms and dimensions and how being born again enables the believer to tap into those other realities of existence.

12.  The Dimensionality of Faith -PLC-311 - The dimensions of faith will be explore and how one can use these dimensions to excel or how one may violate the laws of these dimensions and fail in life.

13.  Energizing Faith - PLC-312 -  Because faith is substance is it also a catalyst for igniting energy within the body that increases stamina?  This concept will be explored and the as well as the pneumatikosiological principles behind it.

14.  Abounding In Faith -PCL-313 - This course will explore the method in which one may expand their faith and abound in grace and faith in God.

15.  There Is No Struggle In Faith - PCL-314- This course will investigate what occurs when faith is developed.  It will explore the principles that faith is substantial existence.  It is not that we struggle in faith but we struggle in seeking to abort and oppose faith that is a part of the born-again spirit and nature. 

16.  Faith, Knowing the First God Principle - PLC-315 - This course will explore the first principle of Demuwthian Mensology (The likeness of God's mental assertion of His faith and thought.

Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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