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Essencological Research Certification

Each certificate program requires a thesis/dissertation that must be approved

Magister of Research
1. Grammatical Research-MERC-300 5 cr.  - This course will explore he nature of using grammar of original languages and the declinational word formula in exhaustive definitive processes to conduct research from an exegetical, analytical approach to doing research.
2.  Examination of Phusis-MERC-301 5 cr. - This course will explore the meaning of phusis (nature) and the dynamics of nature.  It will explore the nature of man, pneumatic beings, and God and will explore the difference of each.  The student will also come to understand what nature means as it relates to man and how man and pneumatics cannot rise above their nature but have the potentiality to sink beneath it.
3.  Genesiological Foundations-MERC-302 5 cr.  - This course will explore the pertinent information within Genesis to explore the principles of how to begin research and what the foundations of research are in a biblical sense.
4.  Pneumatic Explorations-MERC-303 5 cr. - This course will investigate those arenas that are outside the ramifications of the material objective existences and will define the meaning of immaterial objective reality and how the terms can both express objective reality.
5. Somatic/Nephesiological Evidence-MERC-304 5 cr. - This course will explore and examine the meanings and the dynamics of the the soma (body) and the nepheshiological (soul) as a true and objectively real integrated existence.  The dynamics of how to investigate these objectively real components of reality will be investigated as well.
6.  Neuro-nephesian Merging-MERC-304 5 cr. - This course will introduce the principles of Neuro-nepheshian Integrative Merging.  The class will come to understand that there is a process and state in which the living soul is merged within the neurological systems of the physical body and what this means as it relates to a living soul encased within the physiological being. 
7.  Brain Plasticity Thru Nephesian Manipulation-MERC-306 5 cr. - This course will explore the concepts and principles being the plasticity of the physical brain and will also examine the idea that the brain and its malleability takes place by the thought processes of the mind as well as the degree in which the living mind might extend thought to keep the brain healthy.
8. Case Study of Demuwthinan Modality  of Conquering-MERC-307 5 cr. - This course will examine the modality  of the nature of man from a Demuwthian state of existence that enables man to conform as well as have innate desires to pursue specific characteristics and or behaviors that are similar to the nature of God's Sovereignty and why this state is almost always counterproductive and abusive to others.
9.  Maturation of the Nephesh-MERC-308 5 cr. - This course will focus on the maturation process of the living soul and how it, from a logical point of view matures as the body matures.  The definition of maturation from this essencological perspective will also be examined.
10. Examination of Pneumatic Gene'sis-MERC-309 5 cr. - This course will examine the origin of the pneuma or spirit and how this origin now determines the capacity and nature of the spirit within man at his creation and now after his fall from the original state of creation.
11.  Somatic Proofs of a Harmanatanic Existence-MERC-310 5 cr. - This course will explore the concept of harmanatonic principles that advocate the existence of a state within the natural body and nature of man that causes a deficiency in thought and the degradation of the body and the very life force and how this has caused significant behaviors in the human race.
12.  Existence of Nepheshian Energy-MERC-311 5 cr. - This course will explore the nature of the living soul as being a source of energy that can be extended throughout the physiological vessel in which it is integrated and the possibilities of such phenomenon as the para psychological 
Supremus of Research
1. Theories of Pneumatic Existence-SERC-400 5 cr. - This course will explore the theories of the existence of the spirit and the realm that supports such an existence.
2.  Nepheshiological Exertions-SERC-401 5 cr. - This course will examine the nature of the animation of the living soul and how this living entity can disperse and exert its volitional power as an energy field that activates and operates the physical body and possibly the very spirit.
3.  Basic Nepheshiology a Biblical  Study of the Soul-SERC-402 5 cr. - This course will examine the basic concepts of nepheshioogy which is the study of the living soul and what a living soul means.
4.  Nephesiology New Frontiers of Understanding the Soul-SERC-403 5c. - This course will examine the relatively new discipline of nepheshiology that make possible for researchers to understand the living soul in a new light and thereby understanding that man may be more responsible for his actions and behaviors and therefore capable of changing dysfunctional behaviors.
5.  Integration of Nepheshiology and Sentient Nephesiology-SERC-404 5c. - This course will explore the the state of integration of the living soul within the physiological and the pneumatological and the very sentience behind this integrated intelligent existence.
6.  General Nephesiology-SERC-405 5cr. - This course will explore the field of nepheshiology in a general manner revealing more of the tenets and principles of this discipline.
7.  Developmental Nephesiology-SERC-406 5cr. - This course will explore the method and process by which the nephesh (Living soul) develops and to what degree the soul can develop and what this means to the believer and non-believer alike.
8. Child Nephesiological Explorations and Principles-SERC-407 cr. - This course will explore the developmental processes and principles that examine the development of the human soul.  It will look at the reason children seek independence at a young age in the explorations of standing, feeding themselves and much more.
9.  Nepheshiological Abnormalities-SERC-408 5 cr. - This course will explore what occurs within many minds that are deviant and why some behaviors arise within the very mind of the individual because of perspectivism and not physiological damage.
10.  Social Nepheshiology-SERC-409 5 cr. - This course will examine the discipline of social nepheshiology which is the study of how living souls develop, forge relationships and maintain those relationships in a societal manner.
11.  Para-Nephesiological Principles-SERC-410 5 cr. - This course will explore the principles of para-nepheshiology from the position of a defective or damaged soul.  This course will also explore how the soul can become damaged and what a damaged soul means.
12.  Educational Nepheshiology-SERC-411 cr. - This course will explore how the soul can be educated and what these educational principles are founded upon.  This course will also explore what is education as it relates to the mind and what is the literal impact of education on the living soul.
13.  Ministerial Nepheshiology-SERC-412 cr. - This course will introduce the topic and discipline of ministerial nepheshiology or the art or science of ministering to the actual soul.  It will explore the concept of repairing the soul or more correctly the process of aiding the individual of recovering the power of correct, logical and beneficial thought processes.
Magister of Supremus of Research
1. Nephesiological Sa'ariology-SERC-500 cr. - This course will explore the power of thought and why the scriptures consider the process of thinking to be the opening of a gate.  This gate principle will be explored and the thinker of the thoughts that are released in this method will also be explored.
2.  Sa'ariological Principles-SERC-501 5 cr. - This course will explore the method in which the thinker of thought opens the gates of the subconscious mind and why this is very important in understanding thought and behavior of the human mind.
3.  Sa'ariological Processes-SERC-502 5 cr. - This course will explore the processes of opening the gates while thinking and why these process even at the sub and unconscious levels of the mind occur by the volitional powers of the individual.
4.  Sa'ariology and Neuroplasticity-SERC-503 5cr. - This course will explore the powers of the thinking thinker and its potential to literally reshape and re-empower the brain to excel or decline in thought and cognitive assertion and intelligence.
5.  Sa'ariological Dimensions-SERC-504 5 cr. - This course will focus on the various dimensions of the sa'ariological process and the possibility of more than one cognitive gate of the pasiological essence of the human mind.
6. Sa'ariological Acceptance of Pneumatic Emanations -SERC-505 5 cr. - This course will explore how the mind and the spirit of man only work in unity as the mind through the sa'ariological processes wherein the mind allow the spirit and its exertions and benefits to flow throughout the nepheshiological being.
7.  Levels of Sa'ariological Involvement-SERC-506 5 cr. - This course will explore and examine the various levels within the human mind in which the sa'ar is actually involve in the decision making process and other types of mental endeavors.
8.  Sa'ariological Structuring-SERC-507 5 cr. - This course will examine the sa'ariological model and unravel what is the exact process in which the mind releases its constraints to allow deeper level thought and expressions of those thoughts.
9.  Theoretic Sa'ariology-SERC-508 5 cr. - This course will examine the explorations of theoretical sa'ariological processes and the development of the releasing of deeper level thought processes and how the mind was meant to enable the individual to think at a level beyond the simplistic.  The potential for growth and expanded capabilities of the living mind.
10.  Theoretical Nephesiology-SERC-509 5 cr. - This course will explore theoretical nepheshiology and will take a look at the unique powers of the soul using Adam, the first man as a living prototype of what man was to be and how the same potential to function as Adam did may lie within the man in dormancy.
11.  Theoretical Sentient Pneumaticology-SERC-510 5 cr. - This course will examine principles of Pneumatic Phusiological Essencology in that it will explore the possiblitlies of the pneumatic sentience of man.
12.  Theory of Physiological Foundations of the Nephesh-SERC-511 5 cr. - This course will explore the connections of the physical and the nepheshian existence.  The somatic schema and those living receptors of the body will be explored and how the living soul may be more connected to the physical than first considered.
13.  Nephesiological Research Writing-SERC-512 5 cr. - This course will expose the student to the proper modes of researching the living soul and why specific writing techniques may be more conducive to analytical research and the publication to this research.
14.  Nepheshiologistic-SERC-513 5cr. - This course will combine the branch of essencology known as essencologistics and nepheshiology.  This discipline of study will explore the logical method of establishing a mode for studying and researching the living soul.  This course will explore the essentials to understanding how to study and examine the soul as well as establishing the appropriate protocol to even know what should be examined.

Copyright  2023 by Derrick Reeves All Rights Reserved.  RRG, RISE, Reeverian Concepts LLC

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