R. M. E. G.
Institute of Higher Learning
Apostolic/Pentecostal Theological Studies APTH.
The Apostolic/Pentecostal Theological Studies Department is our systematic theology. It is developed and taught from the perspective of being born again, the phenomenon known as Pentecostal as well as from the understanding of the Doctrine of Christ and His Apostles. The APTH Department understands that there are universal truths but also that Christianity had an original doctrine that was established by the 1st century church with Jesus as the foundation and originator of the church and His Apostles as the pillars and first instructors and overseers of the Christian Faith. It is from the original exegetical practices and word driven hermeneutics that our Department of Theology has established and structured this course of study and this curriculum.
Novicius Certificate of APTH.
Novicius Certification - The Novicius Certification program is the program that is the first level accomplishment in our Institute of Theology. This certification give the student an introductory to beginning intermediate level understanding of the R.M.E.G. standard of theological studies. The student will be exposed to General Theology, Systematic Theology, Doctrinal Theology, Historical, Hermeneutics and Biblical Exegesis & Eisogesis along with other elements of R.M.E.G. Theological Principles.
Each Course in the Novicius Program is 5 Credits @ $20.00 per Credit Hour. The first Certificate calls for 22 Courses for a total of 110 Credit Hours @ $20.00 per Credit Hour for a total of $2200 for the Novicius Program
1. Apostolic Prolegomena ITH-99 5cr.
2. The Nature of Theology ITH-100 5cr.
3. The Theology of God ITH-101 5cr.
4. The Basic Theology Of Christ -ITH-102 5cr.
5. Living Theology - ITH-103 5cr.
6. Why Doctrinal Theology Is Important ITH-104 5cr
7. Theological Investigation of The Trinity & Oneness Doctrines APTH-100 5cr.
8. Basic Pentecostal Theology -APTH-101 5cr.
9. Basic Apostolic Theology -APTH-102 5cr.
10. Why Theology Is Considered To Be A Science (The Scientific Method In Analysis of Scripture)-ITH-105 5c
11. Systematic Theology I APTH-103 5cr.
12. Intro To Biblical Bibliology (Understanding the Structure of The Bible) -BST-100 - 5cr.
13. Scripture Analysis 1 - BST-101- 5cr.
14. Biblical Interpretive Languages -BST-104 5cr.
15. Old Testament Survey 1 - BST-106 5cr.
16. New Testament Survey 1 - BST-107 5cr.
17. Basic Homiletics - BST-106 5cr.
18. Intro To Hermeneutics - BST-108 5cr.
19. The Covenants of Scripture APTH-104 5cr. -
20. Feasts, Sabbaths & Holy Days APTH-105 5cr.
21. Dispensational Conceptualization - APTH-106 5cr.
22. The Concept of Logos APTH-107 5cr.
Magister Certificate Of APS.TH.
Theology Magister Certificate Program
All Courses Are 5 Credits Each
12 Courses 60 Credits
The Magister Certificate of MAPS.TH. is a high proficiency level of Apostolic Systematic Theology. The student will be exposed to concentrated theological concepts and will be capable of discourses, understanding and teaching at some levels of instruction.
1. Scriptural Analysis 2 -BST-202 - This is the second course that will explore the dissecting of a passage of scripture using the Exhaustive Word Declination Formula to arrive at the exegeted meaning of the text.
2. Scriptural Analysis 3-BST-203 - This is the third course in the series of scripture analysis and will expose the student to the unique tenses of specific words in their context from their original language thereby constructing the text from the original meaning as close as possible.
3. Exegetical Construction & Analysis of An Apostolic Divine Theology Proper - APSTH-300 - This course will explore the deeper elements of exegesis wherein a theology proper will be constructed using exegetical analysis from an Apostolic Perspective
4. An Interlinear Textual Study of John-APSTH-301- This course will explore the book of John using the New Testament Interlinear and the original Koine as the support material.
5. An Interlinear Textual Study of Acts-APSTH-302- This course will explore the book of Acts utilizing the Greek Interlinear as a study guide to understanding the original text of scripture.
6. An Interlinear Textual Study of Mark-APSTH-303- This course will explore the book of Mark utilizing the Greek Interlinear as a study guide to understanding the original meaning of the text.
7. An Interlinear Textual Study of Matthew-APSTH-304-This course will explore the book of Matthew utilizing the Greek Interlinear as a study guide to understanding the original meaning of the text.
8. An Interlinear Textual Study of Luke-APSTH-305 -This course will explore the book of Luke utilizing the Greek Interlinear as a study guide to understanding the original meaning of the text.
9. An Analysis of Trinitarian & Oneness Approaches To Theology-APSTH-306- This course will explore the unique differences in the doctrine of Trinitarians and Oneness Theology.
10. An Apostolic Theological Apologetics -APSTH-400-This course will explore specific apologetics for the Apostolic Faith.
11. An Apostolic Polemics -APSTH-401-This course will explore the ussage of an Apostolic Polemic system in defending the Apostolic position for our theological stance.
12. An Apostolic Apprach To Difficult Passages of Scripture-APSTH-402-This course will explore the difficult passages of scripture to enable the theological student to gain some understanding of some of the most biblical passages.
Intermediatus Certificate of APTH
Intermediatus Certification - The Intermediatus Certificate Level Program is the second level course accomplishment in our Institute of Theology. This certification give the student an intermediate level understanding of the R.M.E.G. standard of theological studies. The student will be exposed to Intermediate level Theology, Systematic Theology, Doctrinal Theology, Historical, Hermeneutics and Biblical Exegesis & Eisogesis along with other elements of R.M.E.G. Theological Principles.
1. Systematic Theology 1 -APTH-200 5cr.
2. Hodges Theology 1 -APTH-200A 5cr.
3. Systematic Theology 2- APTH-201 5cr.
4. Hodges Theology 2 -APTH-201A 5cr.
5. Systematic Theology 3 -APTH-202 5cr.
6. Hodges Theology 3 -APTH-202A 5cr.-
7. Difficult Teachings of Theology -APTH-203 5cr.
8. Systematic Theology 4 APTH-204 -Part 4 5cr. of our Geiselrian Systematic Theology
9. Apostolic Theological Concepts 1 -APTH-205
10 . Elohiym -APTH-206 5cr.
11. A Hebraic/Israeli Perspective of Theology - APTH-206 5cr
12. A Hebrew/Greek Perspective of Theology - APTH-207 5cr.
13. Exegetical Analysis of Theological Concepts 1 -APTH-208 5cr.
14. The Theology of Life (A Living Theology) 1 APTH-200 5cr.
15. Basic Explorations In Koine Greek - BST-111 5cr.
16. Philosophy In Theology -PHIL-100
17. Essencological Anthropology (An Anthropological Theology)- ESCO- 5 cr.
18. The Ecclessia Out Of Balance -XXXX- 5cr.
13. Koine Greek Foundations -BST-112 5cr.
14. An Analysis of The Gospel -BST-200 5cr.
15. Social Constructs & The Need For A Biblical Theology -RIPP-XXX 5cr.
16. An Apostolic Theological Worldview - APTH-209 5cr.
17. The Study of God - XXXX-XXX 5cr.
18. Basic Hebrew (Introduction) BST-110 5cr.
19. God And The First Principles XXXX-XXX 5cr.
20. Worldviews From An Apostolic Theology - APTH-210 5cr.
21. A Logical Exploration On The Existence of God - APTH-211 5cr.
Supremus Certificate of SAPS.TH.
Theology of Supremus Certificate Program
All Courses are 5 Credits Each
12 courses 60 Credits
The SAPS.TH. is required before one can become a full professor. Tenure is only given when the candidate has sufficiently complted their certification of Magister Supremus Certificate.
1. An Investigative Analysis of Early Christian Beliefs - APSTH-403 -This course will examine the earliest belief systems of the Christian Church. The student will become accustomed to the belief systems and some of the thoughts on various doctrinal and church beliefs.
2. Aberrant Theological Systems of The 1st Century-APSTH-404 -This course will explore some of the earliest cults of the Christian Church and also explore those elements that make them to be cults that are not in alignment with biblical principles.
3. The Study of The Summa of Thomas Acquinas -APSTH-405-408 -These courses will comprise classes and will examine the entire Summa Theologica. each class will specifically examine the volumes of the Summa in the order of their volume.
4. The Works of Aristotle 1&2 APSTH-409-410 -These two courses will specifically explore the teachings and writings of Aristotle from a purely Apostolic Approach.
5. The Word Became Flesh-APSTH-500- This course will explore the topic and those dynamics that are centered around the incarnation of the logos as well as the philosophy and teachings of those who dealth with the problematic doctrine.
6. Renewal Theology-APSTH-501-This Theology will explore a unique system of theology and address its validity as a genuine biblical theology.
7. Investigations of Christian Dogmatics-APSTH-502-This course will expose the students to examining the dogmatics of the Christian Faith. This course on Dogmatics will explore the Trinitarian system of dogmatics and will also contrast this view with those from a purely oneness point of view.
8. Thesis Project-APSTH 20 cr. The thesis project should be submitted at the begining of this certificate program for approval. The thesis is the last requirement of this program and the student must fulfill all requirements to receive their certifcate of Supremus. The thesis program requires a written thesis and an oral presentation.