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General Information

Our Vision Statement: Preparing all ministers and believers to function in higher and more comprehensive Kingdom Principles in order to become the embodiment of their destiny while reaching the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Philosophy: It is our philosophy to align ourselves with the Biblical Christian belief system that promotes values, behavior and the preparation of our young, our ministers and every constituent in the Kingdom of God through careful and well thought out education that challenges us to consistently seek and investigate the Word of God, to further promote and conform to the Bible as God intended. For the Word of God is our core system of values, behavior and code of ethics. RMEG stands whole-heartedly upon the Word of God as being inherrent, infallible and totally inspired by God who is the author of this glorious word.(1 Tim. 3:16-17)
It is our conviction that we believe and adhere to the concept of holy living, being conformed to the image of the character of Jesus Christ and in so doing we adhere to a life of holiness and righteousness according to the scriptures ( EX. 19:6, 22:31; Lev. 11:44,45; 19:2, 20:2,7,26; 1 Pet. 1:15-16; 2 Pet. 3:11) ).  We are committed to the training of men, women to become successful minister and works in the Gospel who will promote scriptural unity in accordance to the Doctrine of the Apostles among all people everwhere (Matt. 24:19-20; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:46-48)
Our Core Values:  The Bible is our standard of living and our core tenet of faith(Deut. 2:15; 2 Sam. 22:2; 1 Kg. 16:34; Ps. 119: 105; John 17:17,; Rom. 10:8; Matt. 4:4; Deut. 8:3). It is for this reason we search the scriptures for literal, conceptual and philosophical truth that has been deposited within this glorious text by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For the scriptures are our tenets and foundation of what we hold dear and what we seek to protect and promulgate.
Our Teaching Objectives and Training Methods:  Our teaching objective is achieved through: Lecturing, Argumentative Discourse, Critical Thinking Skills and the personal instruction by our instructors and professors in the manner of the ancient Rabbinical Scholars. R.M.E.G. seeks to promote writing skills and the publication of books and articles from our students to give them a well rounded view of what true academia is. Each student is encouraged to not merely acquire the degree or certification but to thoroughly learn the material and master it as much as is possible. Our lectures are developed to instill in the mind of the student the propensity to ask questions of the text and to continue doing an analytical and expository investigation of the subject matter at hand.Our students are also encouraged to study the ancient languages as well as those text that were the forerunners of and foundational sources of the trend of thought in the theological world today. It is important that our students learn to explore and to examine the Word of God as well as the subject matter of their discipline of study.
Our Statement Of Purpose:  R.M.E.G. has set forth the purpose of organizing an official setting wherein those believers of the Apostolic Faith may gather comfortably with others of like precious faith for the purpose of being educated, trained and prepared to function in their various ministries while sharing their faith and being exposed to a high and comprehensvie level of accademic biblically based curriculum. The student works toward the fulfillment of a specialized certificate program tailored for the spirit filled believer.  It is also contained within our purpose to buy and sell property, own materials, equipment by all legal means for the objective of achieving this purpose as well as receiving donations of funding for the perpetuation of this goal.  RMEG will accomplish these goals through seminars, talk forums, conferences, workshops, online courses and regular class settings and through the publication of educational materials. We, being an organized religious assembly on the grounds of separation between church and state have developed a specialized program that sets forth those religious principles of the scriptures.  These principles are the elements of our faith and we are dedicated to instructing our students and constiuents in a higher academic manner that is fitting for the Church of Jesus Christ.
Historical Perspective:  Historically our position on education has been one of excellence. Our programs are designed to prepare our students for ministry in any situation that may arise. We traditionally focus on writing and discourse (apologetic and argumentational conversations concerning scriptural elements and information). R.M.E.G. believes that the scripture is the only orthodox view of the Word of God and the philosophy of the church. It is not historical orthodoxy that this institution promotes but the investigation of the Scriptures from a traditional hermeneutical and exegetical view, which is scriptural orthodoxy.  It is clear that those in the past did not remain always true to the scripture nor to the values and tenets of faith set forth in scripture. Historical information is used to understand why specific things were implemented but not to solidify religious systems and teachings that are not fundamentally Biblical.
The Future: In the future R.M.E.G. is considering the allocation of a building that will be stocked with a full library and research center as well as a learning museum. R.M.E.G. has accesss to the research and development department (R.R.G.), the research and development arm of Reeverian Concepts LLC that publishes research on a continual basis as well as develops Apostolic, academic and well investigated material for our future students and affilliates.

© 2023 by RMEG Institutes of Higher Learning 

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