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Prolegomenic Theology
Practical Theology
Theology Proper
Theoretic Theology
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The Reeverian Institute of Theological  Studies (R.I.T.S.)

The Reeverian Institute of Theological Studies is the institute that has a general focus on the science of Theology.  The student will explore the various branches of Theology such as Prolegomenic Theology, Apostolic Theology, Practical Theology, Theology Proper, Integrative Theology, Divine Philosophical Theology, and Theoretic Theology. The Theological Studies Department is very comprehensive and thorough at R.I.T.S.  The philosophy of R.I.T.S. focuses on excellence and the exploration of critical thinking.  R.I.T.S. stresses writing and critical, logical thought as well as the encouragement of verbal discourse and the process of argumentation.  The Institute of Theological Studies department prepares our students to publish and continue academic studies upon many levels and to continue to explore and research to rightly divide the Word of God.

The course descriptive numbers are as follows:

1.  Prolegomenic Theology - PGTH

2.  Apostolic Pentecostal Theology - APTH

3.  Practical Theology - PTH

4.  Theology Proper - THP

5.  Integrative Theology - ITH

6.  Divine Philosophical Theology - DPTH

7.  Theoretic Theology - THETH

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