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Educational Rank of Certificate


R.M.E.G. has a certification program that consists of the 4 certification programs.  Each of these programs will qualify the individual to become a member of the teaching staff at various levels depending on the certification that has been fulfilled.


Novicius Certification - The Novicius Certification will clear the individual to function as a Teacher's Assistant (TA), Tutor and Lecturer.  The tutor is generally utilized as one who gives remedial instruction to those having specific problems and is in need of additional instructional time in the rudimentary elements of a specific course or field of study in conjunction with the Instructor or professor's guidance.  The Lecturer may be one who has fulfilled the requirements for the Novicius Certificate only if they have begun to work towards their Intermediatus Certificate in their specific area of study.


Intermediatus Certification - The Intermediatus Certification will clear the individual to function as a Master Docent, Teaching Fellow, Fellow (engaged in specific Studies for undergraduate level courses), Lecturer.  The Master Docent is not a part of the regular staff but is generally called in to teach specific courses at the 200-300 levels that are specialized courses that may not be offered at R.M.E.G. or that are courses that are unique because of the Master Docent's expertise in a specific field.  The Teaching Fellow and Lecturer will generally instruct students who are enrolled in 200 level courses only.  The requirements that will enable the Teaching Fellow to become an Instructor is their skill, level of knowledge and their publication record.  If the teaching fellow has published a minimum of 5 academic books they may be elevated to the level of an instructor.


Magister Certification - The Magister Certification will clear the individual to function as an Adjunct Professor or an Assistant Professor.  The Magister Certification should be exemplified in their capabilities of teaching the 400 level classes at a high rate of proficiency.  The Magister Certification Professor must be published and involved in the development and involvement of the Department Colloquia within the appropriate discipline of their expertise.


Supremus Certification - The Supremus Certification will clear the individual to be considered to become a Full Professor and eventually a Tenured Professor.  The recipient of the Supremus holder must be actively publishing, teaching, conducting research and other duties that will warrant consideration for the office of a tenured professor.


Magister Supremus - The Magister Supremus Certification is the highest certification program at R.M.E.G. in which the candidate has achieved exemplarary knowledge and accomplishments within the program. The Magister Supremus is awarded when the student has completed 3 dissertations and some post graduate level courses and having completed specific hours of teaching and preaching under the supervision of a Presbeuteros Literati (Scholar Level Professor).  The Magister Supremus Certificate will position the candidate to become a Master Professor at the Tenured Level thus clearing the candidate to become a Senior Professor of Master Status.


Presbeteros Literatim - The Presbeteros Literatim Certificate is awarded only in rare cases.  There must be significant accomplishements in the Literati Certiication Program.  The candidate must also have a systemic understanding of their expertise in the Reeverian Systems of Education and in our core curriculum.  The Presbeuteros Literatim is also maintained by continuous education in the field of one's expertise as well as their participation in the department colloquia sessions.  The Presbeuteros Professor is the Professor that oversees all other professors in their programs of learning and also sits as one of the ruling members of the Board of Doctrinal Scholars.


Regalis Presbeuteros - The Regalis Presbeuteros Certification is generally awarded for achievements and accompishments in writing, publishing and resarch.  The highest certification in any field indicates that an incredible amount of research and systemic organziation of a field of study, courses or the development of academic courses wthin the specified field of study.


Note: The above policies will not be deviated from or altered for the sake of the integrity of R.M.E.G.  These are standard processes and policies for the Hierarchy of the teaching staff of R.M.E.G.

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