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Theological Department


Dr. Derrick A. Reeves

Department Chair


Mg.S. Phillip King

Asst. Chair


Literatim Kelli Pantoja

Department Secretary

RMEG Department of Theological Studies


The RMEG Department of Theological Studies is very comprehensive in that this department has reorganized and re-developed systemically.t Theology is considered to be the Queen of all Sciences and can be both intimidating, difficult and in many cases ridiculed.  Many, because of the various complexities that are within theological studies, often jest at theologians because they feel that the scriptures are quite simplistic in nature.  Although this can be true, in many cases it often discovered that the theological backdrop is quite difficult to comprehend.  In fact it is the theologian that simplifies the text.  Theology is a science that uses the Word of God as the data by which History, Ontology, Science, Anthropology and many other subjects are understood.  In RMEG  the Theology Department has adopted an integrated approach with new courses and improved instructional methods to enhance the theological experience her at RMEG.


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