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RMEG Institutes


RMEG or as it is known Reeverian Ministerial Education Group is an educational consortium that researches and develops educational materials and publications for pastors, ministers and other church personnel. R.M.E.G. also develops training systems, seminars and workshops for new pastors and church leaders. One of our most popular retreats is the shepherds staff retreat in which church workers and leaders may attend to discover the importance of working with their pastor as head shepherd and spiritual leader of the church. R.M.E.G. also has several institutes for ministerial training. These institutes are for those who desire knowledge that is hands on and commensurate with that of other institutions that are normally out of the range for the new pastor or minister who may have little time and money for a higher education. Here at R.M.E.G. our goal is to develop, instruct and prepare church leaders that they may also train, instruct and prepare those who are under their charge as they seek to perfect the body of Christ.  There are precisely 14 existing Institutes that are a part of the R.M.E.G. Institute Program.  These institutes are as follows:


RISE Institute (R.I.S.E.)

This is the Institute that specializes in the study of the Essence of Man from the Biblical Perspective and how this essence influences behavior and personality.  It treats man as a Trichotomic Creation of God made in His image and thereby investigates man as such and examines the interaction of those principle elements that make up man's nature. R.M.E.G. or as it is known Reeverian Ministerial Education Group is an educational consortium that researches and develops educational materials and publications for pastors, ministers and other church personnel. R.M.E.G. also develops training systems, seminars and workshops for new pastors and church leaders. One of our most popular retreats is the shepherds staff retreat in which church workers and leaders may attend to discover the importance of working with their pastor as head shepherd and spiritual leader of the church. R.M.E.G. also has 3 institutes for ministerial training. These institutes are for those who desire knowledge that is hands on and commensurate with that of other institutions that are normally out of the range for the new pastor or minister who may have little time and money for a higher education. Here at R.M.E.G. our goal is to develop, instruct and prepare church leaders that they may also train, instruct and prepare those who are under their charge as they seek to perfect the body of Christ.  R.M.E.G. or as it is known Reeverian Ministerial Education Group is an educational consortium that researches and develops educational materials and publications for pastors, ministers and other church personnel. R.M.E.G. also develops training systems, seminars and workshops for new pastors and church leaders. One of our most popular retreats is the shepherds staff retreat in which church workers and leaders may attend to discover the importance of working with their pastor as head shepherd and spiritual leader of the church. R.M.E.G. also has 3 institutes for ministerial training. These institutes are for those who desire knowledge that is hands on and commensurate with that of other institutions that are normally out of the range for the new pastor or minister who may have little time and money for a higher education. Here at R.M.E.G. our goal is to develop, instruct and prepare church leaders that they may also train, instruct and prepare those who are under their charge as they seek to perfect the body of Christ.

The Reeverian Institute of Biblical Studies (R.I.B.S.)

The Reeverian Institute of Biblical Studies (R.I.B.S.) is the R.M.E.G. Institute that prepares ministers and pastors as well as others who seek to enter the program of Biblical Studies.  Biblical Studies will examine the Scripture as it relates to its background, content, translation, Origin and the various doctrines and a close examination of the text as a supernatural book that was inspired by God.The Reeverian Institute of Biblical Studies (R.I.B.S.) is an arm of R.M.E.G. and exists for the purpose of training men and women in the church in the classics of Biblical Studies. Biblical Studies is a very promising and sometimes difficult division of Theological Studies that concentrates on the actual research and study of the Bible as the text or subject matter at hand. Biblical Studies will focus on content of scripture, development and writing of scripture, textual critique, historical settings, themes, languages and the various authors of scriptures. In short the area of Biblical Studies concentrates on careful examination of the Scriptures as the Word of God.



The Reeverian Institute of Theological  Studies (R.I.T.S.)

The Reeverian Institute of Theological Studies is the institute that has a general focus on the science of Theology.  The student will explore the various branches of Theology such as Theology Proper, Hermeneutics, Bibliography, Practical Theology, Doctrinal and Historical Theology.  The Theological Studies Department is very comprehensive and thorough at R.I.T.S.  The philosophy of R.I.T.S. focuses on excellence and the exploration of critical thinking.  R.I.T.S. stresses writing and critical, logical thought as well as the encouragement of verbal discourse and the process of argumentation.  The Institute of Theological Studies department prepares our students to publish and continue academic studies upon many levels and to continue to explore and research to rightly divide the Word of God.



​The Academic Learning Institute (A.L.I.)

The Academic Learning Institute (A.L.I.) is a unique institute in R.M.E.G.  It is unique in that it is a certificate program that was developed for the purpose of giving ministers and lay members the means to being trained in those arenas of ministry that are vital to the operation and effectiveness of the church.  For instance A.L.I. has developed courses such as:
1.  Altar Working
2.  Deacon Development & Ministry
3.  Administrative Personnel
4.  Spiritual Warfare
5.  Prayer Technology
6.  Youth Workers
7.  Teachers Assistants


A.L.I. has also developed course on the Anointing, Writing and The Ministry of Worship. In short A.L.I. is a Institute that trains ministers, evangelists and members of churches to gain practicum knowledge to operate in ministry, auxiliaries and departments.



The Reeverian Institute of Prayer Technology (R.I.P.T.)


R.I.P.T. (The Reeverian Institute of Prayer Technology) was the first school that was ever opened under the Derrick Reeves Ministries banner.  It was the first curriculum that was ever taught under the Apostolic Biblic Institute roof.  After a season of many people's reluctance to pray the school was assimilated into the school as a secondary curriculum of electives.  Because of the time in which we live the importance of the prayer ministry has become vital (not that it ever ceased to be important) and being directed by the Lord our founder and president saw a need to revitalize the school with this curriculum.  The course of study has been improved and instead of merely being the school of prayer it has become the "The School of Prayer Technology".  Many new courses have been developed and the previous courses have become much more comprehensive. 



The Reeverian Institute of Professorial Studies (R.I.P.S.)

The Reeverian Professorial Institute (R.I.P.S.) was conceptualized and developed over the last two years.  The concept was first considered in 2005 and plans were made to develop the courses and the core curriculum.  In 2012 the actual work began and course curriculum was developed.  This program exists to train those individuals who will be instructors, teaching assistants, lecturers and professors who will instruct in our own RMEG Institutes as well as Bell Bible College of Central Ohio where Dr. Reeves is both President and Chair of the local Board of Regents.


R.I.P.S. primarily prepares students for teaching in a higher educational system.  Those who are seeking to become professors, instructors etc. must have a Master's Degree or the equivalent and working towards their Doctoral Degree or possess a Doctoral Degree in either Biblical Studies, Religious Education, Ministry or Theology.  Those who have their Bachelor's Degree or equivalent (Intermediatus Certificate) may enroll if seeking to become an instructor or lecturer of our Institutes or Bell College.


The School of Professorial training will focus on the following:


1.  Educational Processes

2.  The dynamics of Education

3.  Teaching Styles & Techniques

4.  Classroom management

5.  Classroom decorum

6.  College Decorum and the Conduct of a Degree

7.  Ethics in the Classroom

8.  Developing the lecture & Public Speaking


These are a few of the general areas that our instructors and professors must have under their belts before entering into the classroom.  Hands on experience will be given to those who are T.A. or being mentored through an apprentice program.



The Reeverian Institute of Literati Studies (R.I.L.S.)


The Reeverian Institute of Literati Studies (R.I.L.S.) is a special institute established to train and prepare scholars who are the instructors of our various institutes and future college professors.  R.I.L.S. was developed to meet the need of a deficit of quality professors and instructors in the various Petecostal, Apostolic Churches.  It was also developed for the purpose of exposing ministers and leaders to classical and academic curiculum such as:


1.  Apologetics


2.  Theology Proper


3.  Logic


3.  Ontology


4.  Aesthetics


5.  Ethics


6.  Biblical Criticism


7.  Polemics


8.  Scriptumology & Scriptural Analysis


Among some of the curriculum the Literati are also those who will write critiques on classic works as well as build an archive library that is filled with original works as well as to find and compile an Apostolic Library of academic books, CD's and other media of edcuational value.



Apostolic Bible Institute Of Doctrinal Studies (A.B.I.)  New


After much consideration R.M.E.G. will reopen the Apostolic Bible Institute (A.B.I.).  The institute will have a totally new face and focus.  A.B.I. was the original name of the foundational school that became R.I.B.S. which later became the Reeverian Institute of Ministerial Group.  A.B.I. will now be the home of our Apostolic Doctrinal Courses.  The School will feature doctrinal courses that are specifically developed for the Apostolic Minister, Elder, Teacher & Pastor.


The need for a specialized Apostolic Education fueled the discussion for the re-opening and re-organization of this institute.  A.B.I. will focus on the following specialized subjects:


1.  Apostolic Theology


2.  The Apostolic Approach To Biblical Studies


3.  Apostolic Understandings of Essential Doctrine


4.  The Study of God


5.  The Study of Salvation


6.  The Study of Ecclessiology & Church Administration


7.  The Gifts of the Spirit


These are the central subjects that will be the foundational core of our Apostolic Curriculum.



The Shepherds Staff Institute  (S.S.I.)


The Shepherd's Staff Institute or S.S.I. as it is commonly called began a few years ago as a retreat for the local ministerial support staff and administrators of the End Time Church of Columbus.  This retreat was designed to instructor Associate and Assistant Pastor, Elders, Ministers and Administrators in church operating skills, holding meetings, developing and running departments as well as the biblical system of structuring a church and preparing the staff to work within those settings.


S.S.I. was placed on the back burner (so to speak) for several years but the need for instructing pastors and church workers became much more necessary as new pastors and leaders began to emerge.  Many concepts from a pastoral point of view became very obscured in the minds of new pastors and ministers and as a result there was much disorder and and disarray from an ecclessiological stand point.  Professor Reeves, who is a Bishop in the organization P.C.A.F. after instructing pastors and ministers for several years took some time to refuel and to address the needs of pastors and ministers from a purely ministerial point of view and his assessment was there is a great deficit as it relates to the training and preparation of the Apostolic Pastor as it relates to the Doctrine of Christ and of the Apostles.  It was here that a curriculum was considered and later developed to meet the need of the 21st Century Pastor and minister.  The course of study was reformatted and much material was updated as well as new material added.  The S.S.I. will now operated as its own training institute and will also begin sponsoring conferences, seminars and workshops for local and out of state pastors.



Institute of Armor Bearers (I.A.B.S.)


The Institute of Armor Bearers is an extension of the Armor Bearer's meetings that were developed to instruct and train those who are the direct help and ministers to the men and women of God.  In many cases those who have accepted this position as an aid to the pastor or overseer do not know the full ramifications of what armor bearers do and what the office is all about.  There are many unique feelings about this office and many who feel that it is outdated and excessive.  Many think that this office was to only be used in the Old Testament because there is no record of this office mentioned in the New Testament.  I must concur with this but I must also remind those who fight against this implementation that there was a time that Deacons did not exist and neither was there evidence of a Sunday School, building fund, pastor aid and the list can continue.  The I.A.B.S. introduces the idea from the conceptualized scriptures that reveal the concept of an aid for leadership.  This is the context of the I.A.B.S. to introduce and teach the would be and the experienced Armor Bearer of the importance of their job irregardless of the name that is used to refer to the office and the individuals who officiate.



Reeverian Institute of Educational Studies (R.I.E.S.)


The Reeverian Institute of Educational Studies is our institute designed for those who are teachers.  Our educational program will consist of a great deal of technichal information because of the seriousness impact that education may have on the student and the long ramifications that may also occur.  Our education program will also consist of those elements that are needed to understand the human mind such as the psychology of education and the psychology of learning from a biblical perspective.  The student will be exposed to the biblical concept of the mind, learning and instruction.


Teaching and learning styles will also be integrated within this very comprehensive and extensive program.  Our students will also be exposed to dimensional learning and dimensional integration of knowledge into the soul.  Those studies of the mind will incorporate some essencology which is the study of the essence of man as per the biblical record.




Reeverian Institute of Ministerial Studies (R.I.M.S.)


The Reeverian Institute of Ministerial Studies (R.I.M.S.) is a comprehensive and extensive Institute of excellence.  Because ministry is very serious especially in this later day our ministerial program will integrate the following elements in our program: Philosophy, Homiletics, Heremeneutics, Scriptumology, Exegesis, Predictive Eisogesis, Theology, Psychology of Behavior, Essencology, Biblical Studies, Demonology, Angelology, Spiritual Warfare etc.  Ministers and Pastors have a much more stringent job to do in this hour than years ago.  It is our objective to prepare the minister of today for ministering in the last days that souls may be delivered, healed and made whole.




Reeverian Institute For The Studies of Potisiology (R.I.S.P.)


The Reeverian Institute For The Studies of Potisiology (R.I.S.P.) is a specialized institute  that specifically concentrates on the study of Power and those who have received power.  It will concentrate on those areas that have to do with:


1.  The anointing


2.  The gifts of the Spirit


3.  Spiritual Law


4.  The Dynamics of Power


5.  The types of Power


Potisiology will cover many more topics as it relates to the power of God and the anointing given to man by God.



Reeverian Philosophy Institute (R.P.I.)


The Reeverian Philosophy Institute (R.P.I.) is our newest adition to our list of Institutes of Higher Learning and represent perhaps one of the first times that any Apostolic Institute has offered Certification in Philosophy.  In many instances the church avoids philosophy becaues they have not yet understood that Theology gave birth to what the Professors of R.M.E.G. call Theological Philosophy.  There is a manner in which secularists conduct their philosophical studies and a manner in which theists conduct their philosophy.  In fact one cannot study theology or even have an institute of higher learning without having a school philosophy.  Philosophy is merely a logical investigation of knowledge and the structuring of that knowledge into understandable premises and principles.  The Philosophy program will examine philosophy from a biblical and apostolic perspective and will include the branches of philosophys such as: Metaphysics (Cosmology, Ontology), Aesthetics, Politics, Epistemology, Logic and Ethics. 



Reeverian Institute of Political Philosophy (R.I.P.P.)


The Reeverian Institute of Political Philosophy (R.I.P.P.) is one of our newest institutes and is also one of the most comprehensive as well.  This institute will focus on an area of philosophy that not many spirit-filled believers ever seek to study or examine from a theological point of view.  Political Philosophy will explore a biblical concept of governance in the world of men as it was meant to be from a biblical perspective.  There are such principles as "First Principles of Political Philosophy" and there are divine principles of governing in the natural world of men.  If politics were done correctly God would be the center of the governing system and provisions would be made to respect all men and to govern with both equity and righteousness.  Political theory that exists within this discipline will be composed of: Theology, Philosophy with a special emphasis on Ethics, Logic with specific elements of Essencology.



Reeverian Institute of Spiritual Warfare (R.I.S.W.)


The Reeverian Institute of Spiritual Warfare (R.I.S.W.) is our newest institute that will focus on the discipline of spiritual warfare.  In many instances the body of Christ is being bombarded with attacks on just about every front.  How does the church survive in a time like today when even the government is becoming increasingly anti church and anti-Christian in its philosophy and tenets.  The principles that are the major concern for this institute will be the following elements:  Demonology, Angelology, Pneumatology, Charismology, Pneumatikosiology, Warfare, Strategy along with Ecclessiology.  R.I.S.W. may be one of the most significant institute of all of our institutes because of the times in which we live.




Reeverian Institute of Apologetics (R.I.A.)


The Reeverian Institute of Apologetics (R.I.A.) is the newest of all our existing institutes.  Although many of our schools such as: Theology, Biblical Studies and even our Philosophy Departments are infused with apologetic courses and processes, there was a need to incorporate instruction in Apostolic Apologetics more aggressively.  The approach of R.M.E.G. is to function in the foundation purpose of apologetics.  The foundational meaning of the term is: The branch of theology that offers a defense and proof for Christianity.  It is also considered to be the defense and rational justification of the Christian faith.  This term is taken from the Mid. Eng. term Apologetik ( A formal defense) < Mid French < Latin Apologeticus (A written defense) < Gr. Apologetikos (Fit for defense) < Apologesthai (To speak in defense of).  R.I.A.S. offers to programs in our Apologetics Departments:


1.  Apologetics Proper (APP)- The general defense for Christianity, God, The Scriptures & The Church​


2.  Polemic Apologetic Studies (PAS)​ - The defense of the Apostolic Doctrine as a genuine Christian Faith





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