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RMEG Accrediting Commission

We are not afilliated with the government by way of acreditation but have an acrediting readiness council that was developed to establish and maintain the appropriate standards, processes and policies to ensure that our students are receiving a high quality education.  We do not issue degrees but have developed a certificate program system that is developed for the Apostolic Pentecostal believer.  Our sole aim is to perfect and train the constituents and leadership of the church.

RMEG Board

Dr. Derrick A. Reeves, Founder, Chair & President

Professor Phillip N. King, Vice Chair & President 

Diana M. Smith Assistant Secretary




Accrediting Commission Advisory Board


Bishop Dr. Derrick A. Reeves


District Elder, P.LIT. Phillip N. King





Note: All Adjunct advisory board members are consuted only when official matters arise and are not official resident members of this board but have made themselves available to provide consultation by reason of their affiliation with the president and founder of this institution.





Reeverian Association For Academic Biblical Education Accrediting Council (RAFABEAC)


R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C.  Is the Accrediting Council established to monitor and establish those standards for every R.M.E.G. Institute as well as every affiliate institute, school or college that is associated with R.M.E.G. Institutes of Higher Learning.  R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C.  Investigates the programs and the policies and procedures to ensure that all RMEG and Institutes who fellowship under the R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C. Banner are committed to excellence and high standards in Bible Institutes and all other institutions who uphold that Biblical Training is both spiritual and yet academic in nature.


R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C. also sets the standards for all RMEG Professors, instructors and lecturers. The goal is to develop Apostolic/Pentecostal institutions and their constituents at the highest levels possible and thereby give all students an equal or level field of learning that is comparable to other schools of similar curriculum and objectives.  This accrediting agency is for enhancing and promoting the growth and continued standard of excellence among all of our institutes of higher learning.



What Is The R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C. ?



Accreditation is typically a process of meeting organizational and program/service standards developed by impartial consumers, stakeholders, professionals, and provincial and national organizations. Accreditation indicates that the accredited organization has achieved an appropriate level of organizational proficiency and that it has reliable mechanisms in operation to continually improve the quality of services it delivers. Accreditation acknowledges a level of organizational competence that is comparable to other organizations accredited by the same accrediting body. It also identifies areas in need of improvement and provides suggestions on how those improvements could be made. Accreditation requires that an organization have numerous management controls in place related to accountability and efficient, effective use of available resources in providing services.



R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C. is the agency established by the Owners of Reeverian Concepts/R.M.E.G. Officials to insure that the quality of our institutes meet high standards in their content of educational resources.  It is an agency that evaluates:


1. The organizational standards and policies of R.M.E.G. to ensure that the legality and operation of such policies are in line with city, state and federal laws but also within the guidelines of biblical concepts and codes of conduct.


2.  The curriculum content of our institutes for the purpose of  making a  careful evaluation and examination of the course curriculum and the core course of study to make sure that our courses are comparable or higher to existing institutes of both the secular and ecclesiological world.


3. The Quality of materials, education, instructional staff and text book materials to ascertain that they are of a high quality and in alignment to meet the needs of our students.


4. The level of skill and efficiency of our professors, instructors and other institute personnel as it relates to conformity with our guidelines and policies.


5. The R.M.E.G. process of operating at an organization level of proficiency and possesses those mechanisms that will enable it to continually improve and develop its level of organizational competency at high professional levels.


6. The academic standard of our Apostolic/Biblical adherence to the Bible without the deviation from our

      prescribe Apostolic Doctrine which we are sworn to uphold.


7. The organization to ensure that there are numerous management controls in place related to accountability, Sophistication and efficient, effective use of available resources in providing services.


This agency will conduct a yearly  inspection of every institute that is affiliated with R.M.E.G. to assure that the above guidelines are being met at a significantly high level.  Even though R.M.E.G. does not offer degrees it is our desire to establish and maintain an institute of integrity, sophistication and efficiency that rivals the best of schools while training our students in a Biblical Education.



Benefits of An Accrediting Agency


· Confidence that the agency is providing professional services and has built-in mechanisms to ensure it will continually work toward improving the educational quality of the educational institution



· Opportunity to improve validation of the work of the educational Institution;



· Improves culture in the institute, improves staff morale, and contributes to good staff-management relations;



· Opportunity to receive feedback at the time of the accreditation site review/survey from objective, informed, and skilled peers;



· Level of functioning of the organization identified in relation to others in the industry, in the country, and in North America;


· improved efficiency and accountability;



· may reduce number and seriousness of complaints and incidents of both clients and staff;



R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C.  Because of its affiliations with religious entities such the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith (P.C.A.F.) and Derrick Reeves Ministries (D.R.M.) has access to over 50 years of ministerial experience and the rich knowledge that comes with it.  There are not many agencies that understand the needs of Apostolic Ministries nor their system of operating or organizing.  This is the reason R.A.F.A.B.E.A.C. exists.  Another reason is to provide a Stabilizing body that demands excellence out of institutes of like kind.



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