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The Reeverian Institute of Prayer Technology (R.I.P.T.)


R.I.P.T. (The Reeverian Institute of Prayer Technology) was the first school that was ever opened under the Derrick Reeves Ministries banner.  It was the first curriculum that was ever taught under the Apostolic Biblic Institute roof.  After a season of many people's reluctance to pray the school was assimilated into the school as a secondary curriculum of electives.  Because of the time in which we live the importance of the prayer ministry has become vital (not that it ever ceased to be important) and being directed by the Lord our founder and president saw a need to revitalize the school with this curriculum.  The course of study has been improved and instead of merely being the school of prayer it has become the "The School of Prayer Technology".  Many new courses have been developed and the previous courses have become much more comprehensive.   The School of Prayer is one of the Mandated Missions and therefore the School of Prayer is taken very seriously and the curriculum is very comprehensive.

After completing the program the student will have gain the knowledge of the dynamics of prayer, understand the types of prayer and the usage of these prayers.  the student will obtain the ability to develop prayer strategies for prayer meetings, deliverance services and spiritual warfare teams.  The student will comprehend angelology and demonology and the organization of both while coming to understand prayer from a technical, theological and biblical perspective.

Novicius of Prayer Technology

14 Classes 70 Cr.


1.  What Is Prayer- RIPT-100 5- cr.


2.  Intro To Essencology ESCO-100  5 cr.


3.  Biblical Definition of Prayer - RIPT-101- 5 cr.


4.  Types of Prayer  RIPT-102 5 cr.


5.  Prayer Laws RIPT-103 - 5 cr.


6.  Pract. of Prep. Prayer/Teaching RIPT-104 5 cr


7.  Apostolic Doctrine  40 cr. (AD-100-AD-107)



Magister of Prayer Technology

15 classes 75 cr.

1 Capstone 15 cr

1 Thesis 15



1. Meditation Procedures RIPT-209 5 cr.


2.  Prayers of The Bible RIPT-210 5 cr.


3. Sanctification RIPT-300 5 cr.


4.  Prayer & Faith RIPT-301 5 cr.


5.  Effectual Prayer RIPT-302 5cr.


6.  Beyond What Is Prayer RIPT-303 5 cr.


7.  Praying An Open Window Prayer RIPT-304 5 cr.


8.  Spiritual Dimension RIPT-305  5 cr.


9.  The Psychology of Prayer RIPT-306  5 cr.


10.  Structuring Prayer For Victory RIPT-307 5 cr.


11.  Prayer (Valley of Death) RIPT-308 5 cr.  


12.  Demonology  AD-309  5 cr.


13.  Angeology AD-310 5 cr.


14.  Demonology 2  AD-314 5 cr.


15.  Angeology 2 AD-315  5 cr.


16.  Christ Consensus Capstone Project (Develop A Class On Prayer)  All projects must be approved before developing - RIPT-CAP 15 cr.


17.  Thesis (This must be an academic thesis on prayer)  The topic must be approved before initiating the thesis. RIPT-TH 15 cr.



Intermediatus of Prayer 


14 Classes 70 cr.



1.  Praise & Worship In Prayer RIPT-200 5 cr.


2.  Binding, Loosing and Agreement RIPT-201 5 cr.


3.  Warfare In Prayer RIPT-202 5 cr.


4.  Ministry of Prayer RIPT-203 5 cr.


5.  Prayer Without Ceasing RIPT-204 5cr.


6.  Fasting 1 RIPT-205 5 cr.


7.  Fasting 2 RIPT-206 5 cr.


8.  Fasting 3 RIPT 207 5 cr.


9.   Intro to Demonology 1  RIPT-208 5 cr.


10.  Apostolic Doctrine 25 cr. 5 Courses (AD-108-112)





Note: Some of the basic prayer courses are a part of the TCLEP (Theological College Level Examination Program.)

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