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Ruling Board of Literati Doctrinal Scholars
The Literati Intelligentsia are a specialized board of men and women who have been thoroughly trained in many aspects of religious instruction such as: Philosophy, Theology, Nepheshiology, Biblical Studies, Potisiology, Scriptumology etc.  These individuals were trained for specifically one goal, to preserve, expand and to clarify the Doctrine of the Apostles.  They have been trained and consecrated to be the guardians of the Apostolic Doctrine, modern day Apologists and Polemists of the Apostolic Church.

The goal of the Ruling Board of Doctrinal Scholars is to ensure that our professors, instructors and all instructional staff are continuing their progressive education, to oversee our colloquial functions and to continue to research to bring a clarity to the Apostolic Doctrine of the Apostolic Church.  This board is composed of our apologists, polemists and spokesperson lecturers.  They are the equivalent of those who are celebrated as "Fellows" (Those who have served academically at a very advanced level who have thus advanced the school academically and aided in developing the reputation of the school.


To Become a Literati Doctrinal Scholar


 Current, Accredited R.B.L.D.S. Members Must Fulfill The Following Criteria:


1.  Minimum of 15 years’ public relations experience (Unless accomplishments and academic excellence warrants consideration for candidacy)


2.  Demonstrated superior academic and professional capability in the practice/teaching, researching, publishing and promotion  of public relations.


3.  Advanced the profession.


4.  Contributed to the profession or the community through service and leadership.


5.  Served as a role model in the profession, the institution and the community.


6.  Fulfilled a level of Presbeuteros Literati through acquiring the Regalis Presbeuteros Certification

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