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Reeverian Institute of Ministerial Studies (R.I.M.S.)


The Reeverian Institute of Ministerial Studies (R.I.M.S.) is a comprehensive and extensive Institute of excellence.  Because ministry is very serious especially in this later day our ministerial program will integrate the following elements in our program: Philosophy, Homiletics, Heremeneutics, Scriptumology, Exegesis, Predictive Eisogesis, Theology, Psychology of Behavior, Essencology, Biblical Studies, Demonology, Angelology, Spiritual Warfare etc.  Ministers and Pastors have a much more stringent job to do in this hour than years ago.  It is our objective to prepare the minister of today for ministering in the last days that souls may be delivered, healed and made whole.


Those who fulfill the requirements for ministry are cleared for testing at the full-credential level and may begin ministering in other venues as well as teaching, preaching and running revivals.  The higher leveled credentials will clear the minister to develop a course of study for their own Sunday Academy class, operate as a department head and advance in the field of ministry as an instructor in RMEG as well as become a seminar facilitator and eventually a full professor.  All credentialed ministers may also be called upon by all RMEG administrator and may also be invited to teach at all Reeverian Concepts LLC Functions as resource ministers.

Novicius Of Ministry


1. Understanding Divine Protocols of Ministry -MIN-100

This course will explore those necessary protocols of ministry such as recognizing one's call, how ministers are to conduct themselves, what ministry truly is and how ministry should be approached.


2.  The Nature of Ministry - MIN-101

This course will explore what ministry is within a biblical context while examining how ministry is extended from God to the minister.  The minister will come to understand what is anointing and what is hype and why it is important to minister to the needs of the people and not to entertain them.


3.  An Exegetical Definition Of The Term Minister - MIN-102

This course ill explore the exegetical meanings of the biblical terms for ministry in the scriptures and give a detailed explanation as to what these terms meant from their original inception


4.   The Spirit of Servitude- MIN-103

This course will explore the spirit of Christ in serving others and what this means to the minister.


5.    Pleromic Homiletics - MIN-104

This course will introduce the student to a complete system of homiletical studies.  The term pleromic is taken from the word pleroma which means fullness and suggests that something is complete in lacking nothing.


6.    Pleromic Public Speaking - MIN-105

This course will introduce the concept of public speaking from a full and complete context.  It will explore voice patterns, pitches, voice timbre etc.


7.     Biblical Analysis- MIN-106

This course will explore the art of hermeneutics, scripture analysis and original word studies.


8.   The Nepheshiology of Preaching- MIN-107

This course is the replacement course for the psychology of preaching and will examine preaching from the perspective of nepheshiology which is the study of the living soul


9.  Understanding & Mastery of Prayer - MIN-108

This course will expose the student to the concept of prayer, its importance in ministry and why the minister must commit to it and master it.


10.  Christian Creedology And Apostolic Doctrine- MIN-109

This course will explore the major creeds of the various sects of Christianity and compare them within the Apostolic Framework


11.  Sacerdotal Functions - MIN - 110

This course will expose the minister to those functions (called sacraments by some) while preparing each minister in to function in ministerial functions


12.  Social Eschatology (Political Perspectivism)- MIN - 111

This course will expose the minister to eschatology as it relates to our society as well as the global society.  Eschatology refers to the last things and concentrates on prophecy.


13.  Demonology (The Strategy of Satan) -MIN -112

This course will expose the minister to basic and intemediate levels of demonology and will reveal the plots of these beings as they seek to destroy mankind


14.   Pistisiology- MIN - 113

This course will explore the doctrine of faith toward God and what this means to the emerging minister.


Intermediatus of Ministry

New Requirements Coming Soon


1.  The Science of Speaking- MIN-200

This course will explore the dynamics of speaking and those mechanics that make individuals successful in speaking before crowds.


2.  Homiletics Analysis of Sermon Styles And The Biblical Text-MIN-201 

This course will explore biblical homiletics and the biblical text and why the preaching of the Gospel alone can invoke faith.


3.  Biblical Analysis 2 -MIN-202

This course will explore biblical languages and their customs.  The student will be exposed to biblical cryptology wherein the numerical values of scripture will be introduced and the manner in which it should be interpreted.


4.  Using Prayer Technology By Faith-MIN-203

the student will be exposed to prayer technology and the importance of faith in the ministry.


5.  Deeper Consecration A Way of Life-MIN-204

This course will explore why prayer, sanctification and holiness are tantamount to receive and walking in power with God.


6.  Nepheshiology of Ministry 2 -MIN-205

This course will focus on the study of the living soul and will explore a look at ministry and aiding people to change from within as created beings who were meant to be spiritual


7.  Understanding Vision For Ministry - MIN-206

This course will explore the meaning of burden and reveal how burdens is the transmitted will of God for His Kingdom, churches and individuals.


8.  The Ministerial Oath & Engaging In Ministry - MIN-207

The student will be exposed to the solemnity of the ministry and examine why ministry is one of the most solemn positions that an individual could ever receive and why the powers of darkness are determine to undermine and to destroy ministers.


9.  Discovering and Submitting Your Spiritual Gifts - MIN-208

This course will explore the types of gifts mentioned in the New Testament and explore the protocol and decorum of walking in and using these gifts.


10. A Comprehensive Study Of God- MIN-209

This course will explore the various doctrinal models of God and reveal the biblical doctrine of God who is creator and Lord.


11.  The Meaning of Installation, Ordination And Other Rituals of Setting Individuals Into Ministry- MIN-210

This course will explore the methods of placing individuals into ministry and what these functions mean.  The student will come to understand church authority and the process of adding individuals to ministry.


12.  A Comprehensive Study Of Christ -MIN -211

This course will explore the person of Christ and His Divine Hypostatic Union as well as the dimensionality of Christ who is the fullness of the Godhead embodied in humanity.


13.  A Comprehensive Study Of Acts- MIN-212

This course will examine acts from a pleromic and pasiological manner to gain understanding of the institution of the Church


14. An Extended Examination of the Principles and Doctrine of Christ -MIN-213

This course will explore both the doctrine and the principles of Christ from an extended exegetical method.


15.  Ministering to Intergenerational Congregations -MIN-214

This course will explore the biblical methods of ministering to a multi-generational congregation and the necessity of doing so.


16.   Teaching Bible Study - MIN-215

This course will explore the modes of teaching to a congregation in the last days and explore the nepheshiology of teaching.


17.  Ministerial Administrations And Operations- MIN-216

This course will explore what is meant by different administrations and operations of the gifts and of the offices.  The student will come to understand the importance of time, place and age appropriate use of authority, the office and the spiritual gifts.

© 2023 by RMEG Institutes of Higher Learning 

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