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Student Groups

RMEG is unique in that it is a school that is combined of schools and yet each is structured to aid and help develop the minister, the teacher and the layman in their Christian responsibilities.  There are several organizations, clubs and spiritual groups that allow the students of R.M.E.G. the ability to expand their horizons and continue growing and learning while being a part of this group.


The Literati Order - The Literati Order is a scholarly order that was developed to defend the faith of the Apostles Doctrine.  They are a group of men and women who take a solemn oath to commit to their studies as well as to publish scholarly materials. There are various levels of this order.


Alpha Omega Chi - Our Christian Chapter for male and female members.  Alpha Omega Chi is established to foster brotherhood, fellowship and develop our students in Christian Principles that last a lifetime. All applicants must go through a rite of passage program that focuses on Spirituality, Knowledge, Strength and Integrity.


The Professorial Quorum - The Professor's Quorum are the professors of this school who have dedicated themselves to operate and to run the "Research & Development" department while developing innovative methods of education and instruction to all future teachers.  This quorum of incredible minds have developed an incredible data base of learning tools as well as a full library of journals, books, CD's and more.


The Archivists - The Archivists are those individuals who are the keepers of the archive libraries that house all of the journals, original publications and writings of our instructors, professors, and the Literati Order.


Martial Arts Club - Our Martial Arts club will expose our students to physical training and development that will give them experience in defense techniques but also enable them to forge great discipline for life and for their educational pursuits.


Curators  -  Our Curators are those individuals who travel all over the city and country to find materials such as books, Training CD's and other materials to place in our archive library and the upcoming museum.


Modeling Club - Our modeling club is for those who believe that they have what it takes to be a model.  Reeverian Photography is a part of the network that is affiliated with Reeverian Concepts LLC.  With our on staff photographers and personnel that have worked with and trainned quite a few in the modeling process this is sure to be a blast for the would be model.


Photography Club - The RMEG Photography club will meet once per month to explore technqiues in photography and will develop their portfolio throughout the year as it is critiqued by our professional photographers. Digital Photography is the focus of this club.

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