Essencology has been departmentalized in such a manner that it is now arranged in various disciplines of study and research. Because the need for understanding man as a creation of God and what his true value and purpose is has become critical there has been a concentrated effort to conduct research in a much more fervent manner. Man is in the final hours (time period) of his existence. Marriages, families and individual values, self worth and the whole of society continues to spiral downward into a depravity that has not been seen in our time.
As man becomes much more intelligent or I should say knowledgeable in secular science and technology the farther he drifts from that which set him apart from the animals. The human species has become arrogant, insenstive and very brutal in his dealings with one another, animals and even the very planet that sustains his natural life. In spite of the break throughs in brain science and behavioral science such as psychology, neural science etc. man is apparently becoming more and more depraved.
When the secular science try to study man without using the Bible as a reference he ignores a very aspect about the nature of man that is the root of all dysfunction behavior. In ruling out the possibility that man is the creation of God who was designed for a specific purpose and objectives that God set into motion man becomes merely a surviving species that is like every other animal (survival of the fittest). Today's sciences have made man a mere somatic organic machine. Even the possibility of the human soul is overlooked and in many occasions rejected as a sound theory, possibility or objective truth. Man has become merely hard wiring and chemical processes.
Scripture reveals that man was created from three componets. He is said to be taken from the dust of the ground and after his amazing formation the breath of God was breathed into him causing him to become a living soul. Thus the nature of man is a combinative construction of both material and immaterial reality or substance. Man in accordance to this was created to function in 3 unique realms of existence. These existences gave man a unique ability to be extra-dimensional in his operations in the earth as God's vice-regent (Genesis 1:26, 2:7)
This is the concentration of Phusiology, the study of nature. It is not the examination of nature in general but the nature of man as it relates to his creation, his fall and his ascension into spirituality by way of the New Birth. Phusiology seeks to understand the nature of man and how this nature is integrated, operated and how this nature causes various behaviors and why these behaviors can only keep getting worse until the problem of the nature is solved.
Psychology and psychoanalysis has come a long way from its origins and has done a lot of good. The problem with most psychologists is they do not understand that man is both spirit, soul and body. Two of man's components are immaterial and must be understood as such or man will continue to be viewed as merely somatic in nature with chemicals, neurons and the electric responses of the dendrite cells. This is the function of Phusiology. It is the "Ology" of the "Phusis" (The study of the Nature).
The End