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The Unconscious Mind

The human mind is trichotomic in its structure and activities. It also mirrors the very nature of man. The brain, in and of itself is a very complex organ because it houses and allows the mind to operate through it and thereby gaining access to every aspect of the physiological being and the pneumatological being of man.

The brain is multidimensional in its structure and is tiered to accommodate the tiered thought capacities of the mind. The brain outwardly is composed of the Cerebellum, the Cerebrum and the Brain Stem. There are some neurologists that still hold to the "Three Brain Theory" that states there is an inner system structure of the brain that is also trichotomic, namely the:

1. Reptillian Brain

2. Paleomamallian Brain

3. Mammalian Brain

According to MacLean the brain is tiered and each level of the brain has a specific purpose that it operates within the mental capacity and thought processes of the human mind. One of the older models of the trichotomic brain theory was the reptilian brain was the source of basic decision making while the paleo-mammalian brain was that of emotional content. The mammalian brain was the source of cognition and logical thought.

New considerations concerning the brain reveals even more changes in the way the hierarchy of the brain appears to operate.

The new consensus of the structure of the brain is a little different but similar in several ways. Firstly the names are a little different and the functions are also considered to be slightly different from the earlier models of the brain. The model below reveals the new terminology and what these areas represent as far as brain activity and mental abilities. The new terms are as follows:

1. The Reptile (Archipallium)

2. The Mammal (Paleopallium)

3. The Rational (Neopallium)

Each of the areas of the brain accommodates specific arenas of the mind. It is believed that the Archipallium (Reptillian) is the seat of the unconscious mind. Within its context the reptilian brain is the first or foundational brain that is believed to allow the mind to consider ways to survive. It is the "arch" or first brain. This concept is in alignment with the theory of evolution, which Essencologist and Nepheshiologists do not prescribe to. It is considered that the "archipplium brain" was merely one aspects of the brain at creation that enabled the mind to survive and to decide quickly what methods were appropriate in surviving and functioning in the environment. Although the Reptilian Brain is the smaller part of the brain it, if being occupied by the unconscious mind houses the greater portion of the mind.

If the unconscious mind is the greatest portion of the human mind it was designed to enable man to survive at a level that was beyond his active consciousness and therefore it would be instinctively operated. The unconscious mind, from an Essencological perspective not only deals with survival or even fear as some scholars have thought. In Essencology and Nepheshiology it is considered that the unconscious mind is located within the innermost portion of the emotional confines of the heart. Many theologians and biblical scholars have long believed that the door to the spirit (Pneumatic Essence) was the heart. It is the heart that is connected to the pneumatic by connectors that allow spiritual (pneumatic) essence to flow into the soul (particularly the heart) wherein the knowledge and power of pneumatic thought can inspire supernatural imagination and creative abilities. The unconscious mind is also considered to be the source of spontaneity and reflexive actions that allow the body, mind and the spirit to react when needed.

There is a need for much more research on the unconscious mind and its ability and impact on the subconscious and the active conscious. In Essencology it is considered that the unconscious mind may be the place wherein the sarkikosian nature first formed after the mutation and fall of Adam's nature. In the born again believer it may very well afford the believer with a new source of mental ability that enables the mind to be enhanced at the impulsive level by spiritual energies that do not exist within the unbeliever who is yet to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. There are many mysteries that have yet to unfold but in time they will be made clear if it is the desire of the Lord to make these things plain.


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