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Why Faith Seems Hard

We are told in scripture that faith is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). This is an indication that true faith has already been deposited within the nature of all born again believers. Faith is a part of the inherent nature of those who have the Spirit of God when they experienced the new birth process. Faith is something that is produced and released from the spirit and is just as natural as the human's ability to talk or to stand. In fact it has now been made to be a part of the believer's being and state of existence (Eph. 4:13, Heb. 10:22).

Many believers in this generation struggle with faith partly because what is misunderstood as faith is actually hope (seeking for a future fulfillment of a desired promise). It appears that the believer is ever hoping and very seldom moving into the arena of faith and this explains the morbid manner of life as a spiritual being. There are several reasons for the struggle and failure of believers to operate in a sound biblical faith. In this article I want to speak about the essencological reasons for the struggle of believers to operated in the phenomenon we call faith.

Man is a trichotomic being composed of body, soul and spirit. These components of the nature of man are integrated within a collective whole and comprise the nature of man. Adam was created by God from the:

1. Dust of the ground

2. The breath of life

3. The Rhematic Logosian Creative Energies of God (The spoken pattern of God's consideration of man's being)

It was the breath of life(lives) that caused the sculpted body of man to be prepared to be operated by a living intelligent entity composed of nepheshiological energy. This energy is the substantial essence of the "Living Soul". It would be this living soul that would be integrated throughout the entire body including the brain, the "Central Nervous System" and the "Peripheral Nervous System" The living soul would even ride in the river of life called the Blood (Lev. 17:11). It is the spirit that is integrated into the living soul and becomes the sustaining substance of the soul while the soul is the natural life to the body.

The spirit was to be the reservoir of the finer elements of life that connected man to the pneumatic realm giving the soul the access to spiritual material, abilities and life that was of the highest quality. The soul was to pull from the spiritual reservoirs to gain a pneumatic perspective of reality and to understand those principles of the pneumatic existence. When man fell through disobedience the connection between the Nephesh and the pneumatic realm was severed and the nature of man became the antithesis of what he was at creation. This would cause a severing of the pneumatic from the nepheshiological. What was once a natural reservoir of spirituality was lost to the man and his descendants (Gen. 2:17; Rom. 5:12)

Even after the new birth the flesh of man remained in ruins and antagonistic to the new nature of man (Rom. 8:7). This is the primary reason man struggles with all spiritual advancements especially faith. Faith is of the Spirit and the carnal mind is in opposition to all that is spiritual. Man must over-ride the carnal nature that has ruled mankind since the fall of Adam. With the aid of the spiritual nature man must will himself to access and connote to walk in faith to discover the presence of a redeeming mind set. It is this conflict within the very soul of man that keeps faith from being fully discovered and developed even in the believer.

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