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The Fractured Psyche

In Essencology the total man is considered and examined from a biblical point of view. Essencology demands that humanity be viewed from a trichotomic perspective meaning that man is a three dimensionally existing being in his essential essence. Essencologists see man as:

1. Somatic (Physiological)

2. Soulish (Psychological)

3. Spiritual (Pneumatological)

According to Genesis 2:7 Man was created from the dust of the ground (body) and breathed into by God with the Neshammah Chay (Breath of Life). According to the ancient Hebrew traditions and philosophical conceptions surrounding these terms, this breath was considered to be an animating energy that proceeded from God that caused the physiological construct of the body to be animated with various principles of life. It is clearly seen that this animating force or energy exists because the human body is animated and does contain some type of essential essence that provides biological life (Bios) and animating life (Anima). The problem that exists is there is no human science that we posses yet that can define or clearly explain what this life force energy is. We Essencologists call it Neshammah Chay (Living, sentient life energy).

In my studies I have found that the somatic structure of the body was created and prepared for this Neshammah Chay and was received by microscopic receptors that are distributed within the cells and the systemic essence of the human body. The manner in which these scematic receptors are arranged and structured determine will ultimately determine the individuality of every born human. This structure, perhaps through the genetic codes allow for this energy to individuate all people giving them a unique personality and expression of that person.

Because the being of man is flawlessly integrated within each component there is a seamless connection of the spirit (the residual energy that maintains the soul), the soul(the individuality and mental aspect of the person) which is dispersed and fully embedded and integraded within the physiology and the somatological shell (which is the body and the tool of the psychological being of man).

The psychological or the mental aspect of man has been studied extensively from the position of psychology, psychoanalysis, Psychiatry etc. but always from an aspect of an existing dualism (the body or physiological and the mind).

What Essencologists have found through studies that are both conceptual and philosophical is that the makeup of man is composed of more than two dimensions. There is of course the body and the soul or the mind. What science does not always do is consider that the so-called mind and body problem may not be as much a problem as firsrt considered. In other words the mind although working and functioning through the phsyiology may be much more that just an evolved process of chemical and physiological functions. The mind does what it knows to do and functions as if it was designed to do so. It accesses specific hemispheres of the brain because this allows it to think within the perimeters of this phsyical existence and to understand those external and internal things in this realm. In other words the body gives the mind the ability to maintain and continue to think within the perimeters of a physical based reality while the spirt of man gives the mind the ability to conceive of third dimensional concepts of other realities. Essencology espouses that the mind is the middle of the pole of man's essence that utilizes the body to experience and interact with the external world and the spirit is used to experience the reality beyod the physical.

When man becomes balanced and uses every aspect of his being that is within his reach to use amazing things occur. Man and his mind is miraculous to say the least. And yet with all of his remarkable exploits that are sometimes seen through what we call geniuses and sometimes through those who are savants or those who are prodigies there is something that is plaguing man in a dire way. Because essencology believes that man is not a product of evolution for reasons both scientifically and theologically this field also assumes the position of the fallen state of man through his disobedience of man. In Essencology man in his present state is seen as an antithetical image and likeness to his original state.

With all of the wonderous abilites given to man his fall caused all of these gifts and abilities to be come morbidly twisted and misaligned. Even the greatest scientist and artists operates with on a fraction of what was once available to them as the species Homo Adammah Sapient (Wise Earth Iluminated Man). His mind became fractured and ceased to work in harmony as it was designed to do. It is no secret that scriptures reveal that man was to assimilate into the image, likeness and abilities of a creature that was designed to function within extra-dimensional realities. As a result of his now compromised being man is a species with awesome potential but also with a great propensity for self destruction. It is this fracture mind that was the target of the soteriological processes of the church. I do believe that even the church is not aware of its full potential or its original purpose. It is this reason that many even in the church are not experiencing the expression of the "Awakened Divine Nature" according to 2nd Peter 1:4. It is this fractured state of the psyche that is year by year becoming more and more unstable. With all of the chemicals and toxins in the enviornment the minds of mankind is becoming increasingly deficient and abnormal. If the church and science do not discover that they are not in oposition as it relates to many considerations about how man operates as oposed to why he operates the way he does, there will be an ever increasing downward spiral that will affect not just the poor or those of ethnic origins but all who live upon the earth. I fear that the time may come when dysfunctional and abnormal behavior may one day replace what is normalacy.

The End.

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