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Extensive Essencology Research

Sitting in one of my library locations I began to consider the importance of the Church, Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges. The church is the salt of the world as was espoused by Jesus (Matthew 5:13). The salt of the earth was definitely left in the earth to achieve a purpose so desired by the Lord Himself.

In my latter years as a pastor having counseled for over 27 years trying to empower individuals to become spiritual and productive members of society and of the church I felt very inadequate at times and very confident at times. In looking back over the years of serving others through the pastorate I began to see why there were many who seemed to be beyond help and beyond the point of recovery or normalacy.

In many instances the counselee was receiving what was learned in the secular world and secular institutions. There were very few counselors in the church in my earlier days and still fewer individuals who were degreed in psychology and other counseling fields. Many pastors felt that the Word of God was more than enough to handle the psychological issues that were in the church and I believe that it was; however understanding what the word presented about the mind of man or the very nature of man was more than just a consensus that men were evil and in sin.

From a point of ministry, the church did not fully understand that our job was not to judge men concerning their worth or whether or not we wanted to deal with their issues and dysfunctions. The church was to minister to those who were in need. Merely knowing the scripture was not enough. There was no real consensus of the true state of mankind. Man is not just a sinner but mankind is beyond self help or self recovery. Whatever changes that can be made by the mental reconstructing of new paradigms do not change the fundamental condition of the human soul. Mankind was literally be written off by the very organism that God put in the earth to help fallen man.

The Word of God contained many truths concerning the nature of man for the purpose of men and women who were enlightened with these truths to make a difference in the lives of the fallen. Not knowing what to do with the scriptural knowledge men and women were indemnified and censured. I found that it was necessary to formulate a viable system that would enable the minister to understand the nature as well as the dynamics of the nature of man and why these dynamics work. It is not enough to know that man is dead in sins and trespasses but it would be necessary to understand how these dynamics worked. Until the church could understand why men in their carnal nature opposed everything that was godly there was no way to compel men to return to Christ or help them in the recovery of their personhood with Christ.

I began a very intensive study on Essencology starting in the 80's. It was very important to begin to understand the nature of man from both the psychological consensus and the essencological consensus. Man was much more than a psyche, he was body soul and spirit and all of these elements of his being played a part in the behavior of man as well as how he would assimilate into those behaviors and the adaptation of specific values. It has now been close to 30 years and I have now began to organize over 20 years worth of research and examination of the nature and being of man as a species. Through this research Essencology has now been structured into several branches that enable the Essencologist to observed the nature of man from a sturctured and systematic approach.

The research still continues with many new discoveries being made daily. I now seek to train believers in the field of Essencology and will one day have a staff of researchers and instructors who will also do what I have longed to do, serving mankind, helping them to recover their lives through Jesus Christ.

The End.

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