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Mental Extension of The Mind

The human mind, I perceive is much greater than any of us can understand. The mind is the central part of the soul. In Essencology it is understood that God created man in His image and likeness (Tselem Demuth). The image of God is normally invisible according to Colossians 1:15 and 1 Timothy 1:17 unless He manifests Himself to one that is being communicated with. The Image of God is the aspect of His personality and behavior. The Demuth of God is the modes in which God behaves, operates as a living being and exists.

The soul as a living individualized being is the mental life of the individual. It has the powers of cognitive thought, expressive emotion and desirous volition. The mind is the aspect of the soul that enables man as a species to be aware or conscious of his own existence and the existence of others. The consciousness of man also enables him to be aware of those phenomenon that are existing externally and separate from himself. There is an inherrent ability that exists within the soul of man naturally that allows him to operate through the body with its vast array of neural networks and the specific cells that operate the various systems of the body. It is through these systemic aspects of the body that the soul, the mind in particular, operates in conjunction with the brain.

The soul was created by the creative Word of God and distributed within the cerebral systems of the brain. The soul is immaterial essence that is objectively real. The Hebrew terminology for the soul indicates that it is a living breathing and sentient existence. It's existence can be seen by the inhalation and exhalation of the body. This is the confirmation that the soul is expressing and existing within the human body. It has literally an echo breathing system. It breathes in natural air to feed the blood and the physiological cells with oxygenated blood while also breathing in spiritual breath called the "Breath of Life" known as the Neshammah Chay. It is the spirit that enables the soul to remain in existence. The spiritual energies that it breathes is contained within the soul and remains there throughout the existence of the soul. Only the natural spirit (air) leaves the body and causes the soul to be detached from the physiological somatic vessel.

The mind being immaterial is living energy and extends itself through the brain and those hemispheres that allow it to operate certain physiological functions. Again the soul does this instinctly because it was created to operate in such a manner. The soul extends itself by way of volitional force. By force I mean the force of will. What the mind desires to achieve the energies of the mind operate through the various neutral networks and the body repsonds to the neural impulses. The same occurs when the mind is seeking to gain information concerning the material or the spiritual realms. It could very well be that every learning experience becomes embedded into the immaterial aspects of the soul and will be enhanced upon the act of glorification. Knowledge is collected and understood in the mind concerning the material and the immaterial realms and will be used for a later time in one's existence.

There is great evidence that the human mind can extend this ability to impact external realities with volitional thought, especially those abilities to perceive, discern and detect what is as knowledge and perceptive understanding. It is also possible that the believer is being prepared to operate by the power of thought driven word as the mind continues to operate in the body and extending its thoughts to control the body. Whether the believer is being prepared to operate the exertive control of the mind over objective reality in the future is a very good possibility. Life could very well be the education of the soul to become a spiritually energized being who will live in eternity as a new species born again in the image of God.

The End

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