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Complicated Cognitive Processes

Cognition is considered to be a two-fold experiential phenomenon. It is firstly the process of learning and includes the ability to perceive or the act of perception. The second experience that is connected to human cognition is the product of learning or perception. There are many stages of cognitive develop that occur throughout the lives of every individual that is born.

It was Jean Piaget that developed the priciples of "Genetic Epistemology" His work was to delve into the "origins of thinking". In his pursuits in the field of Epistemology Piaget began to investigate how the cognitive processes of children different from that of adults. His theories revealed that children almost always gave the wrong answers to very simplistic questions that are obvious to adults. In the mind of Piaget, Epistemology was the systemic method and the basic actions of thinking categorically, which referred to the framework or structural properties of intelligence. Piaget distinctly desired to know What was the method in which fundamental concepts like the very idea of “number”, “time” “quantity”, “causality”, “justice” and so on emerged.

Being the first psychologist to make a systematic study of cognitive development. His contributions include a theory of child cognitive development, detailed observational studies of cognition in children, and a series of simple but ingenious tests to reveal different cognitive abilities. His work revealed may unique differences in the manner in which adults thought and how children also processed their thoughts and their acquired knowledge.

There is much that occurs within the mind and the brain that impacts the ability to think and to learn. One of the factors that may influence the learning capability is when and how the learning process is utilized. In recent times many educators have found that immersion technques can have an incredible impact on the learning of young children because their brain cells are still growing and developing at such a rapid pace they can learn and acquire quite a bit of knowledge at a young age. The Suzuki method is one such method of training may young children how to play instruments. Although there are varying views on the plausibility of this method there have been many success stories.

In Essencology the quesiton will generlly arise, "Are there young souls and old souls" as well as why there are children and why there are adults? The scripture reveals that there are unqiue differences in the young and the old. Paul says something that was a statement on the developmental process and the development of all individuals.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Cor. 13:11

From here we can understand several things about cognition in man. The mind and the brain are two uniquely different things from the position of Essencology. The brain with its systemic operations are those physiological properties and processes that allow the mind to utilize the hard-wiring of the body to experience intelligible thought with the scope of humanity. The soul according to scriptural data is "a living breathing, sentient intelligent creature" that can be evidenced by its inhalation and exhalation. It is this immaterial existence that Essencologist believe to be the soul. It is not that there is a baby soul that is diminished in its ability to think or to know inherrently, but that the physiology is not fully developed and therefore the human soul as it integrates within the vessel (body), it begins to master the vessel as it grows. The soul will learn limitations, and yet continue to explore its reality through the body and the pneumatic elements of the nature. While growing the soul is experiencing learning through the sense, the instincts and through experiential events. The spiritual aspect of mankind has been subdued by the mortality of the spiritual essence because of the fall of Adam.

This in and of itself makes the learning process and the cognitive development process much slower and much more difficult than it was mean to be. Essencologically speaking man must endeavor to use and explore the physiology of his being and expand in the aquisitoning of knowledge and understanding as the brain and the systemic phsyiology that is a part of the central nervous system that impacts the brain and the ability to use this organ for delving and understanding knowledge.

In a manner so speaking the soul must wait on the body to develop in order to fully extend its awareness and ability to know or perceive.

The End

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