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Man & Dimensional Instincts

Man is generally seen by the secular world as being a product of evolution which presents many significant problems to understanding man. In the field of Essencology man is considered to be a product of creation that is not bound to the fixed programming of his physiology. The secular world in reducing man down to a sophisticated living machine consistently blocks those who would understand man in his entirety. As a living intelligent animal man can be devalued very quickly by those who feel they have a position of greater intelligence, significance or worth as is espoused by evolutionary concepts such as "racial evolution", "eugenics", "social and political evolutionary decorum" and the list goes on.

This type of thinking continues to keep an imbalance of human worth and harmony within society as well as within the psyche of the individual as well. It can both create an elitist mind-set in some and emotional aggression and detachment of a social system and entire culture. Man is seen as nothing more than a human animal that fundamentally is not much different than the animals that are driven by their animalistic instincts. Man, although encased in a physical fleshly body that is definitely natural and integrated with physical impulses and instincts that are a part of his make up, man is much more.

Man is trichotomic (Soma, Soul and Spirit) and as such he possesses more than one type of instinc that defines him. Man is a physical creature that possesses physiological instincts that are meshed within every sensory mechanism of his biological systems such as:

1. The need to eat

2. The need to relieve ones self

3. The need for warmth and shelter

4. The need to be touched and to touch

5. The need to live unrestrained and free

6. The need for sexual engagement

7. The need for rest

These physiological instincts are very complex and interwoven within a comprehensive system that impacts the brain and the body through the various neurons and other cells and apparatuses of the brain and body. These are base instincts and very important to the development of man as a human being and yet there are other instincts that must not be forgotten such as: Psychological Instincts such as:

1. The need for acceptance

2. The need for intimate love

3. The need for individuality and the expression as an individual

4. The need for mental explorations and discovery

5. The need for identification and belonging

6. The need for self discovery and self awareness

7. The need for mental connection

8. The need for ascendancy or mental maturation

9. the need for actualization

Some instincts of the body and the soul will ultimately work in harmony and become integrated instincts that feed and depend on one another and yet there are other types of instincts that operate in man by way of his spiritual essence. Man was made in the image of God after his likeness and this phenomenon was twisted in man when he fell in sin and disobedience. these pneumatik (spiritual) instincts are as follows:

1. The need for supernatural experience

2. The need for fantasy

3. The need for fellowship and relationship at the Metaphysical level

4. A need for control and authority

5. The need to conquer

6. The quest to be appreciated and worshipped by those around us (Praised for our accomplishments and ability)

7. A need to live forever ( As seen in the desire to reproduce)

8. The need for precise attacments that are unbreakable

As a living intelligent being man appears to have at minimum 22 instincts that are a part of his nature. Each and every one of these instincts were shifted and corrupted when the man Adam fell in sin. His disobedience and the eating of the fruit left him an antithesis of how he was created. This state even at the genetic level was impacted and ultimately passed on to every individual in the human race. Every one of these instincts contribute to the man's thought processes, his emotional content, and behavior on multiple levels of the human consciousness. These instincts exist and are the source of many unique perspectives and latent behavior paterns that man adopts to maintain his humanity and individual exists as a human.



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