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Anthroapologetics As A Proper Foundation For Using Essencology

The Branch of Anthroapologetics as a systemic method of building foundations for the use of Essencology is a very complicated and comprehensive concept. First of all because discipline of Essencology is so very new and the concepts of anthroapologetics even more of a recent development there are many concepts that must be fully considered. To the new essencologist many of the principles are foreign and ambiguous. There must be an adequate introduction of the new essencologist to the principles of Essencology before those new students and users of such a system can truly begin to understand what is an appropriate essencologistic structuring of a counseling approach as well as a anthroapologetically structured foundation upon which usable techniques and strategies may be used.

Because anthroapologetics builds the very foundation for the need for such a system it becomes very important that more anthroapologetic students and specialists be trained. To build a framework for the development of essencological strategies there must first be strong essencological foundations that are supported by scripture and the most recent biological and scientific facts that are obvious concerning the nature of man. Although many of these concepts will not be agreed upon because of the views of the nature of man. It still behooves those who provide the various types of counsel to believers or even nonbelievers to understand that the approaches to gaining or forming a greater knowledge of man is tantamount to providing any type of aid to those who are being served.

There will never be a total agreement to the principles of anthropological concepts. There will always be those who do not prescribe to the existence of the human soul or spirit. There will always be those who believe man to be nothing more than an evolutionary organism with no real purpose given to it by an intelligent supernatural creator. This is the reason that the philosophy and knowledge of an anthropological system must be based on something that can be used as data that has significant amounts of concepts, ideas and principles that may be forged into those foundational principles which will be used for the purpose of further structuring foundational systems for the use and practice of Essencology.

Apologetic proofs will become those principles upon which a more comprehensive systemic method can be developed in using Essencology. The purpose(s) for the uses of such principles and practices must be fully outlined and exhausted. Every principle must be fully disclosed in order that there are no misunderstandings as to how and why these principles are used the way they are. Anthroapologetics is the system that brings legitimacy and validation to the art of Essencology. It is such a viable system because it substantiates and gives specific reasons for the purposes of the principles and their uses.


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