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Essencology And The Development of Faith

Faith is a literal combination of the Pneumatic and psychological aspects of the human nature. It is through the volitional powers and the powers of the mind and spirit together that faith is developed and used in a productive manner. Essencologists understand that there are 2 types of faith, natural faith and the faith that flows from the spirit or the pneumatick portion of man. One faith that is of the natural is forged and organized within the consensus of the human mind (intellect, emotion and volition). It is within the mind that the individual draws upon all that has been experienced in the past and utilized to form a modality of thought that stores specific thoughts of credence within the subconscious mind that adhere to something that is accepted as being true and existent. Confidence of this type is generally formed based upon the following:

1. The experience of the 5 senses

2. The construction of a system of confidence based upon the past observation and experience that confirms the reliability of the person, thing or process that has been established to achieve a specific thing.

3. The consistent usage and successful accomplishments with the process, person or thing.

This natural faith is developed on the basis of knowledge of the design, purpose and operation of the thing in question. When the design works and the process is successful the mind integrates a level of subconscious and conscious credence in the thing in question. Because it has fulfilled its purpose and essentially work the human mind becomes solidified that it will work and the process of subconscious faith in the system, person or process is developed and solidified. This type of faith is based upon the experiential events of the natural senses. It is the faith that works by carnal (natural) means and believes in that which can be seen, touched and experienced with the natural mind.

Spiritual faith is that faith that is deposited in the spirit of man at the time of the New Birth. It is the result of the spirit and the Divine Nature. This faith is present and is part of the new nature of the believer. It is a faith that is tied to the natural senses but to God and His Word. It is activated by the nature within and is used to formulate thoughts that will ultimate form images in the subconscious mind, particularly in the portion of the mind that uses the powers of imagination. It is from the subconscious and the imagination that the mouth speaks and causes the power of creative formation to begin drawing the essence of the imagined content or the beginning of the creative formation of the substantial essence of the imagination. Either way there should be a degree of understanding of essencological principles to understand how faith is both developed and used to achieve the hope that is being desired.

Essencological knowledge will also enable an individual to come to know the difference between the faith that is natural (sensual) and that faith that springs forth out of the spirit man of the believer.

The End

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