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What Is Essencology Specifically?

I began developing Essencology in the 80's. At the time I was working in the classroom with SBH (Severe Behavior Handicapped) which was later to be reclassified as Severe Emotional Disturbances or Severely Emotionally Disturbed. I was also pastoring and at times working a second full time job.I recognized several things as a pastor which I could not ignore:

1. The church was not fully caring for those who were a part of her ranks -

I have always believed that we were to do more than preach to the people of God. I found that even among leadership there was a lot of unresolved hurt and pain. It was so evident that I realized that hurting people were trying to help hurting people. Although this was admirable it was not practical.

2. The church was not prepared to deal with the hurts then and would not be prepared to deal with the dysfunctional issues that were yet to come upon society -

I fully understood that the children that I was working with in the classroom would one day be adults with their own children who could very well perpetuate the issues of their parents. I also understood through careful consideration of scripture and social conditions that were evident in the past and the present that generally if solutions are not found the next generation will continue to spiral downward within their gaping hole of depravity and despair. Because the church had the answer but did not fully know the problem many individuals went to their graves unaided and burdened down with many inner hurts and pains. The fathers of yesterday had their own problems to deal with and they were many but the sons, for whatever reason did not take the church to the next level spiritually.

3. Most of the populace of the church did not truly understand what Biblical faith was or for that matter what it truly is - As a matter of fact many individuals have yet to discover what true biblical faith or what the doctrine of faith is as prescribed in Heb. 6:1-2. For the record many still have not grasped the meaning of faith. The Bible does not suggest that we believe or use faith for things. The doctrine of faith suggests that our faith is always towards God trusting that He will provide and care for us consistenty. As a matter of fact the scriptures also reveal that in many occasions He has already provided what we need.

4. Most of our people were being treated by doctors that did not even believe that such a thing as a soul existed- From this perspective something was vitally wrong. Individuals were being treated for psychological issues or suffering from depression and inner problems and yet very few understood the makeup and the nature of man. This, in my opinion was making it impossible to get people healed and back on track with their lives.

As I began to see the deficit within the body of Christ I felt a deep unction, a pull to study the nature of man according to scripture. Essencology began as merely understanding the nature of man (Essence = this underlying elements that makes a things what it is + ology= The study or research of. Essencology at first focused on the nature of man and was one continuous look at this nature. I knew that this system had to be firstly biblical as well as academic in that it truly took a serious look at the nature of man from a trichotomic perspective. To do this I had to understand to a greater degree about Psychology, Somatology and Pneumatology from both the biblical point of view and from the secular point of view. This would take the next10-12 years of reading through literally thousands of books both medical, psychiatric, psychological, anthropological, counseling and theological writings concerning man and his nature.

After completing the first book on Essencology I knew this was just a basic treatise on the subject and I immediately began compiling, reworking and recompiling my information. I also began researching every philosophical point of view I could on the topic of personhood etc. Finally in the late 1900 (1999) I began to organize Essencology into a system in which the nature of man would be the focus. Essencology began to grow beyond merely an examination of the nature of man and became a full fledged system of a Pneumatic Psycholo-physiological Anthropology. As of today Essencology has been developed to the point that there are now 6 branches of study that one can endeavor to learn at several levels. There are 4 major Essencological Career Tracks that one can enter to become a working Essencologist.

There is still much left to do because most individuals have yet to take serious the idea that there is a human soul and that man is a Trichotomic Being that is composed of:

1. Somatic Essence (The material or the body)

2. Soulish Essence (The immaterial or the construct of the mind/mental dimension)

3. Spiritual Essence (The immaterial energies that provide life, existence and a unique perspective of reality)

The care for the minds of men and women is a very serious undertaking. The secular world considers many of these concepts to be superstitious archaic views at most; but this does not give the minister any reason to not take seriously the need to train and become proficient in caring for the spiritual lives of those who are under our charge. While many of my colleagues were seeking after financial liquidity and fame I sought to discover a system that could both develop and empower the believer to become productive spiritual citizens of the church and of our communities. I am currently training individuals in this system of religious counseling very rigorously. I cannot in good faith comply to belief systems that debunks the existence of the human soul and spirit that relegates man to nothing but a material existence of chemical and electrical energy. Because of the distinct separation between church and state I have developed a system of educational nomenclature that will be applied to this system of spiritual counseling and I have developed an association that will police and govern those who become Essencologist. I will soon have a staff that will be a governing board for this association called R.A.E.C. (The Reeverian Association of Essencological Counselors).


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