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The Genetic Transference of Emotional Modalities

Modern Science has become very sophisticated in unraveling many things that were already known to believers through scripture. Although scripture was never written as a treatise on science it is filled with many facts about science in a tan-gentle manner. Many aspects about the human mind and behavior were penned long before there were social scientists, brain mapping or neural science. Many of these facts were given through inspiration to those whom God separated for specific works. As He inspired men and sometimes women to speak on His behalf they spoke of amazing things that only God could know.

In the wake of the 21st century and an incredible increase of violence and unbridled behavior it appears as though mankind has degenerated into an all time low as it relates to civilized behaviors. In many cases most doctors who study human behavior did not think it possible for people to be born with a mental trait or modality of behaviors because of an inheritance factor. What studies are showing are nothing short of remarkable and yet scripture has recorded these facts for thousands of years. It is not only possible for individuals to rewire and re-orient their physical brains through consistent thought patterns but it appears that even emotional states and modes of thought are also passed through the family lineage.

In the book of Genesis it is recorded that God told Adam that in eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would experience death. It is important to remember that life first began with the extension to the breath (Spirit) of God. If death were to enter it stands to reason that it would impact the source and energy that produced life in the being of man. As Adam disobeyed the essence of his being that was the reservoir of life in him was the first to become unconscious (I believe that it is the lapsed spirit of man that is now his unconscious state of mind).

With the entry of sin into man's being many things occurred within his nature and trichotomic makeup. This degenerative state impacted both his physiological and psychological. In fact it impacted his entire nature to the point that even his body and the systems of this body were impacted. Everything about man became corrupt and mutated by reason of the factor of the sin state of death (anti-life). Not only did the death state impact the physical nature of man and the spirit but it also impacted the very life of the mind and emotional qualities of the should.

Thought are actually a type of energy that is filled with information. All that Adam was would now pass through the genetics to the next generation. What man did not know is that there would be a translation and transmission of physiological traits as well as emotional and mental traits. Science now understands this to be "Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance". Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance literally means the transmission of an emotional quality or mode of thinking and behavior upon another generation that does not come through the DNA. It is literally a genetic factor that causes behaviors and patterns of response to future generations because of the inherent feelings and mindsets of a previous generation.

This explains why every child that Adam sired would have the generational transference of like emotional modalities and behaviors that manifested those standards that were in violation to the laws of God. It appears that the family of mankind inherited much more than sin. There was a systematic degenerative state that would impact the body, the spirit and the soul as well. With each passing generation the minds of man will continue to spiral downward unless there is healing of the generational mental state and the atmosphaera of the soul.


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