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Foundations of Pneumatik Psychology

There has been a difference in opinions concerning the nature and the study of man for quite some time as it relates to psychological experts and religious adherents. Many in the secular academic world have never considered the publications an the study of priests, pastors etc. serious. In fact most who are adherents of the social sciences have considered just about all theological studies or views of the nature of man to be pseudoscience and quackery. One reason is that the other academic scientists for a very long time considered the social sciences to also be a type of quackery and did not take this field seriously. One aspect of keeping one's field of study from being rejected is to distance ones self as far from those who seem to be performing the same type of studies but from a very unique perspective of what is considered to be the normative manner of approaching such a study.

Psychology, Psychiatry and other studies of the human mind and human behavior will generally do so from the perspective of materialism. Materialism is not the view of all counselors, psychologists etc. because there are those who study these disciplines from a Biblical and Christian point of view. But for the most part those who do are not always accepted in the greater circles of their professions. On problem with the current view of psychology and psychiatry is that it attempts to understand the human mind without the acknowledgement of a living soul. Most who are in the field of neural science are not interested in whether the soul exists. Their major endeavors are simply to find out how the human brain and mind works. Therefore the study of psychology is actually the study of the human brain and the mind from a purely materialistic point of view.

Originally the term was understood to mean the study of the human soul or mind. The soul was at times considered to be the same as the human spirit because the term was used interchangeably at times. Essencologist understand the term to mean the human soul along with all of the components of this soul (The mind which is the combination of the intellect, emotion and volition, the atmosphaera, consciousness with all of its levels and the life of the soul) The term soul has many renderings Biblically and throughout history. It is understood from the Biblical sense to mean, "The Mind" a "Breathing Creature". Essencology views the soul as the immaterial essence of man that is the formation and existence of the personality, the individual as a living sentient thought existence with the powers of intellect, emotion and volition.

This is why in many cases the religious world does not agree with the study of psychology or psychiatry because the very existence of the soul is rejected. This is in conflict to the very nature of the term psychology because the term at its most basic definition means, "The study of the soul" Although many great strides have been made in both Christian and secular studies of psychology and psychiatry both have never to any great degree sought to understand the entire nature of man from a "trichotomic" perspective. Essencology approaches the study of man from a totally biblical approach and therefore recognizes that man consists of a somatic existence (body), a psychological existence (soul) and a pneumatic existence (spirit). Essencology also understands man to be integrated as a comprehensive whole. The body is seamlessly integrated with the soul while the soul is integrated with the spirit.

This has led to some very serious endeavors of understanding man from a Pneumatik Psychological perspective. Pneumatik Psychology is in effect, "The study of the soul that is sustained and integrated with a spiritual essence. It will incorporate psychology and pneumatik concepts as well as somatological considerations. As a result Pneumatik Psychology will take into account both the soul and the spirit and that these two phenomenon are interconnected with each other and the human body. The study will focus on how the trichotomic being impacts one another and also human behavior. This new endeavor is very exciting and yet the impact will ultimately produce a rash of complaints, critiques and much more. I have began to conduct some very comprehensive research and study of this topic and there will be publications forthcoming on the topics of Pneumatik Psychology and Psycho-pneumatic Phusiology.


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