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Innovations In Essencology

When first developing the system of Essencology I had no idea of the importance of such a system and why it would be vital in my own ministry. I have been a pastor for about 28 years and a minister for approximately 30 some years. I have seen particularly in these last few years the decline in the following:

1. Reading and studying of the Scriptures

2. Establishing a daily life in accordance with the scriptures

3. The capacity to stand on the scripture as the valid word of God

4. Understanding of the meaning of grace

5. Living by faith

As a result of these and many more issues in the life of the believer there remains much uncertainty as it relates to the actual practicum of Christian principles. Many individuals that I come in contact with are fearful that they cannot hold to the regiment of the Christian Lifestyle. Many others do not feel that they have an adequate relationship with Christ. Still many have given up on themselves and are just one tragedy or calamity away from leaving the Lord permanently. I have come to understand that this is occurring because there has been no true system that enables the believer to understand the dynamics that are operating within his/her own being. In many cases individuals are not certain if they are a spirit or a soul. In many more cases individuals are sure just what their soul is and how it operates.

Essencology is needed because it gives man a methodology of examining himself in a biblical manner as a created being of God in the image and likeness of God. As technology has moved into the futuristic age of invisibility, nano-computers artificial intelligence and even pills that impact the physical brain it seems as if the Christian Populace is still embracing a religion that is ancient and out-dated with no real benefit except a promise of heaven. There is no small reason Jesus said, "When I come shall I find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8). Part of the challenge of Essencology or any other Christian based counseling or practice that seeks to understand man as a trichotomic being is the lack of data and technique in observing and preserving the data from such observations and research to develop a viable means of theorizing and developing more meaningful principles and concepts to help others become more spiritual and more productive in life.

In understanding the need for such processes it is the responsibility for all spiritual care givers to develop innovative and up to date but sound principles that can aid those who are in the church to adjust and become sound believers who are experiencing enriched lives as believers. As such R.I.S.E. and our researchers are now developing techniques in:

1. Pneumatic Plasticity and Cognitive Readjustment

2. Neuro-Plasticity Through Rhematic Meditation and Utterance

3. Pneumatic Mediatation

4. Subconscious Renovation Through Replacement

The interweaving of Essencological elements in prayer and Bible Study are vital if the individual believer is to reach some kind of awareness of that which Christ has completed within the spirit through the new birth process. In a world where most of the believers in churches have become spiritually and biblical illiterate leaders must construct techniques and programs that will engage all believers to once again pursue a relationship with Christ and to explore the Word of God as more than just literature. Our task is cut out for us as we journey further into this new millennium that moves further away from God with each passing day. Through Essencology even the leader can come to understand why the human mind restricts the impact that prayer can achieve as well as why our subconscious mind rejects and opposes the out pour of our spiritual and divine nature. In time there may be major breakthroughs. Only the Lord can truly know if we have enough time to make a difference. I pray that we do and that those who are called of God take serious the need for a ministry that seeks to empower the believer to stand in a biblical faith and knowledge that is effective.


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