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Societal Aversion Of Rejection

There is a phenomenon that is occurring more and more in society that may have deeper consequences than most people realize. Many issues, racial issues in particular, are deeply rooted in political philosophies and those political agendas that are being pushed in the name of national pride or patriotism. Such agendas were the whole social science principles that advanced an entire movement and yet survives today. Racial science included such movements as "Craniology, Social Evolution, Socio-political Decorum, Eugenics and even Planned Parenthood" The pervasive attitudes in these so-called sciences had a very dangerous hidden. This agenda was to position a select few in places of power and to determine who would thrive and who would not. The Hegelian process of reaching a synthesis was applied and society came under control of "The Powers That Be"

These trends have not disappeared but are concealed in plain sight. As with any new concept be it negative or positive there are always ramifications for the establishing and use of the systems that spring forth from such movements. In Essencology specific terminologies are used to give the constituents a clear understanding of biblical principles in the study of man and his behavior. There is a term that expresses the phenomenon that is in conflict with everything that the founding of this country was based upon. The term "Societal Aversion of Rejection" is not a new concept just merely overlooked and sometimes purposely avoided. In philosophy there exists a specific principle called, "The Principle of Non-Contradiction" This principle merely says that anything that contradicts itself cannot stand and will self destruct. The basis of this principle is that truth is never contradictory. What is truth will be true. Real truth will go beyond perception of truth, for if I am perceiving something that is false but my perspective deems it to be true, my perspective is misaligned. Although my perception and perspective see truth the reality is that I have perceived this thing from an unrealistic perception.

Truth cannot be true and false at the same time. It must be true or false (The Law of Identification). In society I have noticed a trend wherein many people attack the lifestyles of others and in particular the person or persons are attacked because of their adherence to these lifestyles. What is happening is that many individuals are setting standards and protocols from their own ethical position (even if it isn't ethical in the truest sense of the term) and demanding that others accept and adhere to these modalities of living.

It is here that the concept of Societal Aversion of Rejection comes in. Freedom of speech and the freedom to the pursuit to life and happiness is in jeopardy because individuals desire to exercise their freedom of thought and speech at the expensive of another's viewpoint and thoughts. What this creates is an inner turmoil until individuals become caustic and abrasive. A very important question must be considered. "Does any individual have the right to force their opinions and standards upon another to the point where they are justified in being violent or abusive verbally or mentally?" *Societal Aversion of Rejection is seen as this, Whatever societal perspective is must be right and therefore those who are with the status quo have a right to attack or demean everyone who is not in alignment with the trends and philosophic thought of society. This aversion causes individuals to fight for their rights as an individual and yet to stymie the rights of others. To win my rights I must deny others their right. Therefore I have an aversion to reject others and their standards, beliefs and all that they hold dear and be justified as long as I can exercise my own rights and beliefs.

This phenomenon also assumes that by disagreeing with a premise I am exercising hatred against those who hold the premise. This is one of the first steps in the journey to communism and ultimately a systemic erosion of societal freedom and liberty. It is rooted in an instinct to control others while demanding respect from the very ones that I have sought to subjugate. This mental and emotional premise leads to a cognitive dissonance that produces an attitude of superiority and indifference to others. When this happens there is always a judgement and assessment that someone is less than another while those who make this assessment assume that they are the superior party deserving to control the minds and the lives of others.

It is not only illogical to push freedom while also advocating that others submit to your views while denying their own. When any are denied their freedom there is not true freedom. Even those who advocate such systems are not free for they become bound to enforce others to submit to their perspective and freedom.

The End

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