Unexplored Modalities of Human Sexuality
As it relates to the church there are some serious problems that exist. The churches failure to understand sex and human sexuality permits a social perspective of sexuality to be perpetuated and used against an unwitting society. In many cases every sexual desire that is utilized and pursued that is deemed to be unacceptable to the church, ministers etc is literally most often if not always labeled as of the devil and considered to be sin. In most cases those who call it the devil or demons and label it sin are those who are generally the most preoccupied with it and have ghastly fear of the thought of having a liberated and hyper sensitive libido. Is there a devil and demons? I believe that there is; however I also believe that the lack of understanding of the complexities of the human nature and sexuality has caused the church to take her eyes off of the fundamental problem. I believe with many other social scientists that the desire for pleasure in society has reached an epidemic level.
The church must realize that the world without a sound model of sexuality and sexual behavior is left to develop and pursue its own modality of practices and standards. I have found in almost 38 years of ministry that the church has never fully understood a model that was biblical for human sexuality and therefore it was never discussed. In many cases male and female believers were separated in their functions as it pertained to many recreational events and the knowledge of human sexuality was not made plain to those who would ultimately become adult believers in the church.
The nature of mankind is such that it is highly creative (this is a residual of the divine image of God in man). When this is coupled with a driving instinctual urge to be connective and sexual the human heart is open to finding ways and means to explore pleasure that is both emotional and physiological. After all if God made these explosive feelings can they really be all bad or even a little bit bad? It is here that the church missed the opportunity to explore the answers to this critical question. Human sexuality is a wonderful experience created by God and meant to be enjoyed within the proper boundaries of its use. In its proper content sex and sexuality is a celebration of gratification of your mate and the celebration of an intimate union of love and commitment. It is the expression and integrative connection of covenant and a physical, emotional and spiritual vow of unity that was supposed to last for a lifetime.
Sexuality and sex because it has been misunderstood has literally became a method of self-gratification and exploratory investigation of liberating the libidinal urges for the purpose of experiencing greater and more intense stimuli physiologically. As this occurs the individual and the spouse are no longer celebrating their union but they become mindful of experiencing the most pleasurable experience that is possible. The celebration become one of pleasure. The greater the pleasure the more committed one becomes to experiencing greater pleasure.
The problem with this sexual modality is that sensations and stimuli can get old. Once the body becomes accustomed to a particular sensation the sensation become less and less impactful and meaningful. The more that the pleasure hormones are released in the brain and the body the more the individual is driven to seek pleasure. There several hormones that impact our mood and are directly related to sexual activities. Theses hormones are as follows:
1. Dopamine - A pleasure hormone that is released when we strive towards any goal. It drives us to complete the goal to experience the pleasure of the reward.
2. Oxytocin - Called the "love hormone" that is released upon physical touch. Oxytocin is released in great amounts when one is engaged in sexual intercourse, childbirth and even when one exchanges a hug. This hormone provides feelings of love and trust and therefore the feeling can cause great pleasure when connecting in relationship.
3. Serotonin- The hormone that boosts our mood and makes us more agreeable and sociable.
4. Endorphins - These hormones are pain blockers and are literally called "endogenous morphine"
When there is sexual activity both oxytocin and dopamine can be released which may cause an explosive experience of feelings and ecstasy. The problem with this is that dopamine can be addictive and is generally more addictive as a habit is formed. The experience of the highs by way of the dopamine can leave and individual seeking for even greater experiences and greater releases of this chemical; however there is another chemical that is released after one experiences orgasm in sexual intercourse. This chemical is called proclactin and is released immediately after the dopamine wears off. Proclactin produces the exact opposite effect in the mind and in the body such as depletion of energy, irritability, and depression. (see http://rheg.vastserve.com/articles/love-chemistry.htm?i=1 "Love Chemistry" and http://www.joyfuldays.com/happy-hormones/ "The Four Happy Hormones").
It is the experience of the oxytocin and the dopamine highs that cause the mind of the individual to continue to seek for pleasure. The mind that seeks to feel even the most minimal of pleasure ( which we all do), will develop subconscious desires and aspirations to find new and more explosive ways to experience pleasure. This is what causes the addiction to pleasure and the desire to explore "Unexplored Sexual Modalities". It is the human mind in a quest for continually greater impulses and stimuli of pleasure that promote the experience of unique sexual experiences.
Let us consider that in times past there were a mere handful of sexual identifications such as:
1. Heterosexuality
2. Homosexuality
3. Bi-Sexuality
4. Trans-sexuality
In 2016 there are now over 10 unique sexualities that people identify with. Each being governed by unique emotional and mental modalities of thought and feelings. Human sexuality is now classified in a multitudinous manner. It makes no difference what authority debunks the various classifications because individuals are reporting that these are their modalities and sexual identifications. To name a few we can begin with:
1. Heterosexuality
2. Homosexuality
3. Bi-Sexuality
4. Asexuality
5. Polysexuality
6. Pansexuality
7. Trans-sexuality
8. Androsexual
9. Aromantic
10. Demisexual
11. Gynesexual
12. Skoliosexual
13. Two Spirited (Shenayim Ruachisexual)
14. Abrosexual
15. Androgynalsexual
16. Amicusexual
17. Ageosexual
18. Auto Sexuality
The list goes on and on. I suppose that human sexuality will morph into an even more comprehensively complex subject of study because of the human mental capacity and emotional complexities of the human mind as it relates to the state of human sexuality.
Note: I have started a project that focuses on the unique types of human sexuality and a brief description and essencological assessment of each. This text may be released as early as 2017. Because of the subject and its ever-growing list it may be one of the most difficult topics to keep up with especially from a research point of view.
The end