What Do We Really Know About The Human Mind?
The human mind is a very awesome and mysterious thing. As an Essencologist and Nepheshiologist I have studied psychology, the philosophy of the mind, The theology of the mind and certain aspects of counseling for over 35 years. This research has led me down many paths and into many arenas concerning the human mind and the nature of it. As a very young man I was fascinated with psychology and the study of the brain. With all of the latest trends and innovative studies mankind is still no closer to the understanding of the mind than they were over a thousand years ago. This is not to say that there have not been any breakthroughs concerning the understanding of the brain or the central nervous system. In the unraveling of the nature of the brain and those systems that enable it to operate there should also come an increased understanding of the human mind.
One of the problems with gaining a fresh understanding of the human mind is the vast polar opposites that both science and religion have taken concerning the human mind as well as human nature. On the one hand the materialist who in many instances are either agnostics or one form of atheist or another. To admit that there is a living entity, which the human mind represents one must also discuss the possibilities that there are other immaterial entities that are within existing realms and dimensions that our science cannot detect or rationalize. Researchers have continued to study the neuro-network and its systems but continue to deny that there is any chance that a living soul exists. Their research allows them to gain greater understanding of the brain and yet there are still no revolutionary breakthroughs concerning the mind as an individual personality.
Another problem that represents one the opposite pole to materialism is the conceptual ideas that are held by the church at large. This view is the creationist view that God is the creator of the human race and that the human mind is, in essence one aspect of the soul and is literally the individual immaterial entity. In most cases there is little to no research done about the brain, the central nervous system and those systems that enable the mind to work through the brain. Essencology/Nepheshiology holds to the premise that the human body is the neural casing that contains the living soul. The living soul dwells within an atmospheric existence (Called Atmosphaera) within the human body and is integrated throughout the body by way of neurological systems and the brain cells.
In fact the R.A.E.C. (Reeverian Association for Essencological Counselors) holds the premise that the soul is centralized within the brain and utilizes it living energies to control the body as well as to learn through the various senses of the body. The mind is believed to be by R.A.E.C. and its constituents to be the living entity that was mentioned in Genesis 2:7 (The Living Soul). Because there exists such a disdain for the conceptual ideas that there is an immaterial realm of existence there will continue to be progress on understanding the mechanism (The brain and the central nervous system) but not further progress in understanding the human mind, how it works and the nature of this immaterial phenomenon.
The two major camps that set the precedent for the study and definition of what the human mind is are the Materialist's Camp and the Creationists Camp. What is really known about the human mind is very little. Again the materialist's camp seek only to understand the brain and its functions or neuroscience while the creationist's camp understand the mind to be the soul and only understand it to be the thought life. There is very little research into the idea of the "Living Soul" concept with the this living entity being integrated into a complex trichotomic whole. This is one of the major reasons I began to study the soul and the essence of man over 30 years ago. I am still conducting my studies and have made grade strides in this research.
Many individuals do not espouse the idea of learning or using psychology. I somewhat agree because psychology today as it is defined is not the study of the soul but of human behavior as it relates to the materialistic point of view and therefore seeks to address the neurological problems and dysfunctional conditions that are said to produce dysfunctional behavior. There is a reason that the Bible speaks about the soul and the mind consistently throughout the scripture. I believe that Nepheshiology is a closer concept to understanding the reason dysfunctional behavior patterns are developed even by individuals who have experienced the new birth process. In fact many in the church today continue with dysfunctional behavior even after being counselled with the Word of God. There is much more to the human mind and behavior than most individual think. It is very important to understand the human soul in this time period more than ever before. Understanding the human soul will enable pastors, ministers and others in the church to minister effectively to individuals and thereby know how to empower them to become spiritual productive individuals in their church and in their community.
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