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The Nepheshiology of Ministry

The term Nepheshiology is a relatively new term that has been incorporated into the field of Essencology only recently. It is a more accurate of a biblical approach to understanding the behavior and nature of the "Living Soul". It has several major divisions that comprise it as a total system of understanding the nature of man as he was created and as he was meant to be in God's plan of action. These areas or branches of Essencology are as follows:

1. Adawmics

2. Theology of Man

3. Phusiology

4. Anthro-apologetics

5. Essencologistics

6. Nepheshiology

7. Integrative Speciality

When the term Nepheshiology or Nepheshiological is used in front of any term it specifies the idea of a pursuit that is undertaken with the human mind and its perception and paradigm. It specifically refers to the conceptualization that is formed by the human mind with all of the values and perspective used to formulate and develop a specific paradigm. There is a pursuit of the human mind that takes place in the church that is generally done so in a very dangerous light. It is called the "Nephesiology of Ministry"

In many cases individuals who have come to Christ have a mindset that their experience is "the" experience. What is meant by this is the following: Because their experience has worked for them and they are appearing to have relative success they believe it is the "Speculum Finalis" The term can roughly be interpreted to mean "the reflection or image of the final tool" It is this mind-set that is all too often seen in ministers and believers. This mental assertions rests in the idea that we would like to hope that we are in conformity to the will of God for our lives and if we believe that we are and others are not operating as we are they must be operating with or in a faulty paradigm.

The danger in this is that the church as the Body of Christ has many members with many functions that are vital to the health and well-being of the over all body. The eyes have their functions and these functions are unique from that of the feet. The heart is not the eye nor is the mouth the brain. This proposed theology is like a phagocyte that is dysfunction. Typically a phagocyte will devour bacteria, foreign particles and waste debris from cells. If a Phagocyte that is rogue (spiritually) could devour and destroy other parts of the body and break down the health of the body. This is the state of many in the body of Christ. Truth is always that which is found in context of the word of God and within the actions of the Holy Ghost. Therefore we must observe the Word of God (Scripture and the leading of the Holy Ghost).

We are told that there are different administrations and different operations of gifts within the body. This should be our assessment. No ministry will operate under the same set of marching orders neither will they officiate the gift in the exact same manner. Let us take a look at this text to ascertain the following perception that should be embraced:

And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord

And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

1 Corinthians 12:5-6

The scripture reveals the following:

1. There are differences of administrations (Diairesis Diakonia)

a. Diairesis - Varieties, a distinction of what is given and distributed

b. Diakonia - Service, ministry, especially of those who execute the commands of others

Note: Diairesis Diakonia indicates that there are varieties and distinctly different ministries and methods of serving.

Scripture also indicates that there are diversities of operations which indicate the following:

1. Diairesis Energema which specifically means:

a. Diairesis - Varieties, a distinction of what is given and distributed

b. Energema - An effect, method of operating or working

Note: Diairesis Energema reflects that there are a variety of ways in operating or working to perform ministry as led by the Spirit of God.

There are even different gifts (Diairesis Charisma given [see 1 Cor. 12:4]) which indicates that even the charisma are uniquely given by the spirit to accommodate a specific ministry within the guidelines of a specific administration for those ministries. There are thoughts that individuals develop that cause them to condemn others for how they function in ministry and in the process defame what God may very well set forth as true ministry.

This thought process and behavior is based upon an individual's desire to please God within the boundaries of their abilities a levels of development. It may also suggest that many individuals have an insecurity with their level of knowledge and performance. When an individual understands the concept of ministry from the biblical perspective there is a great deal of understanding that it is the Spirit of God that operates the gifts through and in all who are ministering at God's decree. The Psychology/Nepheshiology of Ministry is relatively new in this focus wherein ministers and individuals construct ideologies for ministries and impose these conceptualized paradigms unto ministry within the patterned modality that they have adopted and adapted to. This is one issue that must be resolved if the church is to gain the victory in ministering to all men and women. There is a need for ministry that is simplistic and yet there is a need for ministry that shares the complex and scholarly content of the scriptures as well. To negate either is to remove half of the tools and modalities of ministry. It is the Spirit that operates all of these gifts as He wills (1 Cor. 12:6-7)

The End.

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