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The Future of Spiritual Education

The Future of Spiritual Education

by Dr. Derrick A. Reeves

Christian Education is extremely important because it prepares the constituents of the church for the great commission given by Christ.

A great deal of the failure that has occurred in the church to empower the ministry and laity is in part due to untrained individuals trying to operate in ministry as teachers, ministers etc. In many cases those who are leading others have not truly come to a position in their lives wherein they are truly happy with being a Christian nor have they understood what it takes to be committed in total as a Christian.

For the most part Christian Educators must understand unique teaching styles and learning styles. Those who educate our fellow believers must also understand the process of spiritual provocation in which the believer is provoked to become more passionate about the Kingdom and the King (Jesus) because of what it affords to them as well as how it enables them to, through, "Ascendancy and Spiritual Actualization fulfill their purpose and destiny.

I have seen a decline in the literacy of born-again believers concerning the belief system of christianity in general. Bible literacy has declined steadily over the last 10-15 years and the overal attendance to Sunday School and Bible Study has also declined drastically. The instruction methodologies of Christian teachers and pastors has not met the needs of the people nor equipped them to deal with those elements of life that threaten and invade the day to day life. In short people don't know what to believe, or even if they do believe.

Because of the great decline in biblical literacy the church has become increasingly carnal and less powerful. If the church is to operate in those principles in which Christ intended for it to there must be a renewal and revamping of the educational process in our churches, or learning institutes and even behind the pulpit. With an ever increasing technological world that is driven to procure knowledge and information quickly the church cannot afford to trod along at a turtles's pace as it relates to understanding and knowledge of the scriptures and the principles that these scriptures convey.

Education must take the forefront in our ministries, our churches and in every aspect of the church. I do not believe that education should ever replace faith and a the pristine state of living a holy life before God but what I am suggesting is that there must be a happy medium towards establishing a balance. after all we are living in the last days. Even though the Bible is clear about a remnant being saved church officials, ministers etc. must not take the stance wherein we watch and wait for believers to populate the halls of hell. We must, with an even greater tenacity forge ahead with faith and the preserverence seeking to empower as many as possible.

Our educational systems must become more advanced and much more precise in order for the church to be equipped to deal with what is ahead.

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