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The Driving Philosophy of R.M.E.G.

There are many colleges, institutes and seminaries in existence that have existed for hundreds of years that are very good schools. In spite of these schools many of the course curriculum as well as the course of study was not amply developed for the church and especially not for the Pentecostal Apostolic Ministry. I have been in the ministry for over 30 years. In all of my studies and research there were very few schools that existed that were specifically developed to empower the minister to do ministry at a very comprehensive level.

When given the opportunity to be a president of several satellite programs I was very excited in having the opportunity to work in colleges that issued legitimate degrees. I became disillusioned when I examined the the construction and the level of development of the professors, instructors and students. I did not know that it was the Lord prompting me to develop something that would be an exclusive school that would place the emphasis on instruction and learning. Many institutions place the emphasis on the degree or the certification. It is here that the Western colleges and schools most often make their mistakes. In many instances the graduating students must still be trained to function on or in the positions that they eventually step into or are hired into.

I have found that there are very few colleges or institutes that specialize in Pentecostal Education that place an emphasis on the gifts, spirituality and doctrinal treatises on a level that is commensurate or at a higher level of academia or scholasticism of existing schools. In many cases I found that the counseling aspects of the counseling programs were literally similar to those courses of a secular psychology course. There were little to no courses that addressed the nature of the soul or made a distinction in the soul or the spirit. In fact many of the same principles were used that were specifically used in those schools that had a strict materialistic perspective of the soul and the mind. There were even fewer schools that understood about spiritual instincts or how the nature of man in his fallen state could influence behavior as well as thinking modalities.

As I continued to pray and continue to do my research I knew that the Apostolic movement must be developed in ways that would expose her to traditional apostolic doctrine and principles that would give her an opportunity to learn exclusively about the perspective of the Doctrine of the Apostles. The next hurdle was to consider the nomenclature and the manner in which instruction would be rated or judged on its effectiveness. I began to understand the times in which we live. My goal began to shift. Was my true goal to issue degrees or to genuinely prepare others for ministry? I know many people who have gone to school who have advanced degrees in theology and other biblically related areas and yet I was not comfortable with the level of biblical knowledge or skill. Neither was I comfortable with the lack of writing and publishing of apostolic materials.

My course of action became quite clear. I would establish a school that made its main focus the education and proliferation of knowledge and wisdom concerning the Word of God and the Church. I began to research scripture, theological texts and commentaries with a voracious passion. My studies led me into the study of unique disciplines and denominations of the Christian Faith. Years and years of language studies and philosophical research gave me hope for an outcome that would generate scholastic and academic materials and courses that I am proud to say are both original in thought, biblically in sync with doctrinal issues and theological principles. R.M.E.G. would be exclusively for the preparation of ministers, teachers and leaders of the church. The system was finally developed and now is being set into motion. It is my hope that the sector of the Church that maintains Apostolic Principles may now thrive while gaining a greater degree of knowledge and be respected for our lifestyles and our academic accomplishments. A nomenclature system was developed and a certificate program also develop exclusively for ministers and church leaders of the Apostolic Faith. This school is the Reeverian Ministerial Educational Group known as R.M.E.G. R.M.E.G. is slated to open in April of this 2017 year. I am both excited and passionate about the final objective and outcome of this very special school.

The End

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