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Too Little? Too Late? (The Price Of Passive Spirituality)

When Student Doesn't Understand The Educational Covenant

The world as we know it is changing so rapidly that most individuals are not aware of the subtle shifts in society and in the family. Such shifts are rapidly deteriorating our morals and values. This, I believe to be, a sophisticated plot in the introduction of a system that has long been foretold by the prophets of old in the Bible.

Daniel, the prophet said in his end time prophesy that Knowledge would be increased (Daniel 12:4). It is here that he spoke of the Hebrew type of knowledge called Da'ath (Dah-ath). The Amplified Bible infers that this knowledge will be the knowledge of the plans and purposes of God for the end times in accordance to what God has given to His prophets. It is this knowledge that would be unleashed within the hearts and the minds of the men and women of God who were to be the last day believers.

Because there is a unique attack that has come upon the church and those who are leaders there is as if a famine for hearing the Word of God has become the norm of the day (Amos 8:11). The incredible thing that is also happening is there appears to be a thirst and hunger for the Word of God like never before. People are moving to and fro to find a more sure word and appear to desire to work for the Lord.

This is the paradoxical demonic attack that is gripping America in these last days. It's as if those who are being preached to and taught are hearing but not fully being made aware of the importance of the hearing and doing the Word. People have become adamant about doing what they feel is right rather what the Bible conveys to be right. There is a form of godliness that ignores the biblical principles, precepts and teachings.

One of the problems can be seen in the Bible Colleges and Seminaries. The decline in the enrollment of such schools indicate that the profession of pastor, minister or teacher of the scripture is becoming more and more shunned or avoided. Many in this age do not know what they believe nor what the scripture conveys. Biblical illiteracy is still at an all time high and individuals are becoming more and more vocal in their contempt for the church and the scripture without fully understanding the text.

The church is in a paradigm shift of what it means to be the Body of Christ and any kind of mission. In establishing this school and those who are establishing other nonsecular schools professors are seeing a similar sign throughout the globe. There are some exceptions in African countries and other parts of the globe that appear to be prospering spiritually. It is here in America that there is a great decline in biblical spirituality. There is a great deficit of profound students to take the church further into the 21st century in Apostolicity. And still even more scarce are those professors who understand the academia and comprehensive information needed to enhance the learning of young ministers. In a time when most college professors who have been tenured understand that the educational world is failing to educate students in the finer points of scientia because a consistent move to make courses easier to finish while dumbing down the educational system one must wonder has the church missed a window of opportunity? Has the church done too little too late?

The young of the day do not see the need to pursue complicated and comprehensive information of the scriptures. One of the most misunderstood concepts concerning spirituality is that it is only seen while in a church service. We have place great emphasis on church and getting individuals saved (and we should) but we have failed in preparing individuals of this generation in being responsible and prepared to defend and maintain the tenets of the church. In a world of great academia and technological breakthroughs the church for the most part has not fully accepted the increased information that the Spirit of God is unleashing in the church. Knowledge has increased but is the church prepared to hear and to receive such knowledge or has she become so consumed with this world that she no longer seeks for the deep things of God?


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