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Dimensional Learning

The existence of dimensions has been understood for many years. In the field of astrophysics the existence of dimensions are understood as phenomenon of reality. These dimensional realities are actually realms of objective reality that can be measured, that have boundaries and specific laws and areas of either length, height, width and breadth. Dimensions will explain how high, wide, long and thick something is. Dimensions can also express intensities or degrees.

There is an aspect of dimensions that are not generally considered specifically in the realm of education. These dimensions can express:

1. The degree of knowledge that someone can learn and the extent in which this knowledge can be obtained.

2. The expansiveness and broadness of such knowledge and how precise knowledge can be obtained.

3. The height or the level of knowledge that one can obtain within a specific field or specialty of knowledge.

4. The arenas in which one learns such as sense knowledge

5. The arena of the subconscious knowledge in which one learns

6. The element of the trichotomic nature in which one learns such as the body, soul or spirit.

7. The learning event that may happen in the pneumatic realm of the spirit

8. The degree of pneumatic probing that can loose and acquire knowledge and understanding

When considering these areas of knowledge one must understand that the spiritual state of the individual becomes essential to the learning process. It is the knowledge of how the human mind was designed by God to operate in various dimensions of the mind, the body and the spirit simultaneously to learn, access and operate within the realm of knowledge or to learn through the education process. This indicates that the learning process can happen on more than one level at the same time to either learn specific perspectives of knowledge of one subject or multiple subjects at the same time. The trichotomic knowledge and the dimensionality of the nature of man can also operate on several levels to gain specific levels of understanding by examining specific knowledge by specific aspects of the mind or spirit. This may also occur by using all aspects of the nature or combining more than one to ascertain a clear understanding of specific truths.

Dimensional learning is the accessing of the Physiological, the psychological and the pneumatological together to gain a more clear and precise understanding of any topic or subject or fact. Dimensional learning will enable the individual to gain a much broader range of knowledge and to gain a much faster acquisition of such knowledge or information. It is a part of the nature of man that enables him to gain control and knowledge of more than one realm at the same time. man appears to be able to operate in a multiple arenas of realms and dimensions at the same time.


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